unit2 sectionC[公开课].ppt

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unit2 sectionC[公开课]

Unit 2;Reading;Reading;Reading;Reading;Reading;Lets learn;Lets learn;Lets learn;Lets learn;Lets learn;Lets learn;Lets learn;A;When? ;Severe Drought in 2011 ;Severe Drought in 2011 ;Severe Drought in 2011 ;Severe Drought in 2011 ;There has been little rainfall along the Changjiang River for half a year. B. The weather is not as usual in Jiangxi, Hunan and Hubei provinces. C. A severe drought happened in some provinces along the Changjiang River. D. China has got the most severe drought since 1954.;The drought came in spring. 2. Water levels in the Changjiang River are going up. 3. Production of the crops will drop because of lacking(缺乏) water. 4. An orange weather alert means nothing to worry about. 5. The weather forecast says the drought will end in ten days.;C. green-house effect ;There was a s________ drought in the spring of 2011 because of little rainfall since January of this year. It took place in Jiangxi, Hunan and Hubei p___________. Without water, the lakes d_______ up, fishes were d_______ and crops were l_______. And what was worse, there was not enough water for people to drink and use. The government had to give an orange weather a______ and asked Three Gorges Dam to r_______water into the Changjiang River to fight against the drought. ;;Lets play;;;Example: snow / heavy / falling / is / the / down ;1. 当地政府发布了台风橙色预警。(give an orange alert) __________________________________________ 2. ----明天天气怎样? ----先是阴天,然后转为阵雨。(change to) __________________________________________ __________________________________________ 3. 白天气温上升而夜里则很快下降。(go up, drop quickly) __________________________________________ __________________________________________ 4. 沙漠地带雨水稀少。(little rainfall, in the desert) __________________________________________ 5. 这次旱灾的原因是什么?(cause) __________________________________________;; ;一、基本概念 1、表示说话时正在进行的动作或正在发生的事。 通常由表示“此刻”的时间状语(如now, at this moment等),或通过Look! Listen! 这两个提示 语来表明此时此刻的动作正在进行。 如:She is m


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