[中学联盟]2014-2015学年高中英语 Unit 5 Meeting your ancestors Using language课件 新人教版选修8.ppt

[中学联盟]2014-2015学年高中英语 Unit 5 Meeting your ancestors Using language课件 新人教版选修8.ppt

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[中学联盟]2014-2015学年高中英语 Unit 5 Meeting your ancestors Using language课件 新人教版选修8

Using language;; relief division affection affectionate patient skilful punctuation;;Listening on page 42 The work on early people depends on the dates that are given to the bones found. If the dates are wrong, all the data about early people may also be wrong. So Zhou Heping is very interested to find out how archaeologists make sure that their dates are accurate.;;yogurt pots;;Method;Method; Look at this archaeological drawing of a section showing buildings at different times and work out their chronological order. Remember to give reasons for your answer in your discussion.; Note: The age of the building depends on the number of layers it is resting on. The more layers, the more recent the building. ;The oldest building is B because it has no layers underneath it. The second oldest building is C because it has one layer underneath it. The most recent building is building A. It has two layers underneath. ; ZH: How can you tell how old the bones are when you find them?;RL: There are two main ways: the first uses layers in the ground and the second uses the radiocarbon dating. ZH: How does the layer method work? RL: Well, many layers of soil were produced at different times. Each time people build houses and live; somewhere, they make an occupation layer. Each has a different colour and texture. ZH: How does that help? RL: Look at the diagram in your book. Think of your wastepaper basket. When you came into work you threw the orange skin into it. ; Later someone threw their empty yogurt pots into it. Then some waste paper was added. Finally someone threw away some used envelopes. How many layers are there? ZH: There are four layers. RL: Good. Now which layer is the latest?; ZH: Now, let me think! Yes, itll be the one on the top, which is the used envelopes. RL: And wheres the oldest layer? ZH: At the bottom. RL: Well done. When we find bones in layers of soil, we know they are the same age as the soil. Z


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