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;Look what’s this;What can you use a mobile phone to do?;make a telephone call send short messages listen to music listen to the news take a photo go on line;2002年10月的一天,一艘载有128名游客的游船在海上触礁。沉船随时有可能发生, 128名游客的生命危在旦夕,就在这紧要关头,一位游客通过手机与关部门取得了联系,后经多方救助,全体乘客均获救了。;在整个救援过程中,这部手机所传递的信息起着至关重要 作用。;Unit 2;What is the man? Where is the man? What’s he doing? Guess what’s wrong with him.; Listen to the tape and answer questions: Where did this snake come from? What did the cook do after the snake bit(咬) him? Where did doctors send the photos of the snake to? ;故事的主要情节是这样的:;请同学们两人一组,互相朗读课文中的短语,并做口头翻译。(看学案:二、part 3);用… 拍照 挽救某人的生命 令人吃惊的建议 捡起;拿起;接… 咬了某人的手 从…爬出来 尽力做 把它扔到厨房那边;9 .落在冰箱里 10.保持冷静 11.给…拍照 12.去医院看病 13.开始疼痛 14.把…送到 15. 什么种类 16.正确的药;17. 出院 18.拿起电话 19.给某人拍照 20.把…展示给某人看 21.如果蛇拍照时没笑, 别担心。;手机在我身边;手机在我身边;手机在我身边;手机在我身边;手机在我身边;请同学们看学案: 四、达标测评、能力提升:part 2:给大家5分钟啊!; If a snake _____ you, _____ a photo _____ your mobile phone! It may ____ your life. This is the _________ advice of a British cook. One day Henry Jackson was working in a restaurant _______. He picked up a ___ from the table, and suddenly a snake _________… and ___ him on the hand. ; A few days earlier, the snake came to the restaurant from Asia in a box of bananas. It climbed ___ __ the box and ___ under the dish. He tried to ____ the snake __ and it bit him again. He _____ it across the kitchen, and it landed in the ______. So he closed the door. Anyway, Mr Jackson _____ cool and he took a photo of the snake with his ______ _____. ;Soon his hand began to ____ and he went to hospital. Then his chest began to ____. Doctors couldn’t say what was wrong _______ they didn’t know what kind of snake it was. Mr Jackson ___________ his mobile phone photo. He gave it to the doctors. They ____ it to _______ Zoo. Finally, he took the right medicine and left hospital the next day. ;1. When the snake bit Mr. Jackson, it was _____. a) Hiding in a box of bananas. b) Lying under a dish. c) Climbi


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