八年级英语上册 Unit 7 Will people have robots?Section A(1a—2d)课件 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt

八年级英语上册 Unit 7 Will people have robots?Section A(1a—2d)课件 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt

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八年级英语上册 Unit 7 Will people have robots?Section A(1a—2d)课件 (新版)人教新目标版

Unit 7 Will people have robots?  Section A(1a-2d)?;Ⅰ. 单词拼写 1. environment (n. )        ? 2. planet (n. )        ? 3. plant (v. )        ? 4. 将来; 未来(n. )        ? 5. 地球; 世界(n. )        ? 6. pollute (v. ) →     (n. )污染; 污染物 答案: 1. 环境 2. 行星 3. 种植 4. future 5. earth 6. pollution;Ⅱ. 短语互译 1. stay at home        ? 2. be in great danger        ? 3. 参与(某事)      a part 4. 必须; 不得不 have    ? 答案: 1. 待在家里 2. 处于极度危险中 3. play 4. to;Ⅲ. 句型填词 1. 你认为机器人会进入人们的家庭吗? Do you think              robots in people’s homes? 2. 人们将活到200岁。 People                     200 years old. 答案: 1. there will be 2. will live to be ;3. 100年以后人们还会使用钱吗?               money in 100 years? 4. 城市将会十分庞大而拥挤。 Cities           very big and crowded. 5. 人人都应该参与拯救地球。 Everyone should the earth. 答案: 3. Will people use 4. will be 5. play a part in saving;There will be more cars. There will be more pollution. There will be fewer trees. There will be less free time. ? 答案: more意为“更多; 更多的”, 后跟可数名词复数或不可数名词; fewer意为“较少的; 更少的”, 后跟可数名词复数; less意为“较少; 较少的”, 后跟不可数名词。;1. fewer adj. 较少的; 更少的 【语境领悟】 *There will be fewer trees. 将会有更少的树。 *There will be less free time. 将会有更少的空闲时间。;【自主归纳】;【巧学助记】;【学以致用】 (2013·包头中考)—I think there will be   air pollution whenever there are   people driving. —That’s true! I hope the air will be fresher soon. A. less; less     B. less; fewer C. fewer; fewer D. fewer; less;2. in 100 years 一百年之后 【语境领悟】 *Will people use money in 100 years? 一百年以后人们还会使用钱吗? *—How soon will he come back? ——他多久之后回来? —In two weeks. ——两周之后。;【自主归纳】 (1)in +一段时间, 意为“……之后”, 表示以现在时间为起点的“一段时间以内(之后)”, 常用于一般将来时。 (2)对“in+时间段”结构提问, 常用疑问词how soon。;【归纳拓展】 不同的“……之后”;【学以致用】 ①—Will Mr. White be back from London   tw



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