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Unit 4;;Part A Text (A Time for Apologies);;; 2. 联邦德国前总理勃兰特谢罪;;;II. Language Points;;3. The trend began in earnest in 1995, when the Queen of England admitted that the Maori people of New Zealand had been shamefully treated, when the country was a British colony. in earnest:in a serious manner 认真的,严肃的 e.g. Now he applied himself to the job in earnest. 他现在认真地致力于这项工作了。 The officials were holding loose and not in earnest. 官员们都漠然置之,并不认真对待。 ;;5. Last year alone, apologies were issued by three of the worlds most powerful nations. issued: (i) n. some situation or event that is thought about; topic, subject, matter ?发行物,?争论点 e.g. Parliament will debate the nationalization issue next week. 议会将在下周辩论国有化议题。 I bought the new stamp the day of its issue. 这种新邮票是我在发行当天买到的。 (ii) v. come out of; circulate or distribute or equip with 流出,发行 e.g. Banknotes of this design were first issued 10 years ago. 这种图案的钞票是十年前首次发行的。 Useful expression: at issue?在争论(在争论中) ...back issue?过期刊物 in issue?争论中, 议论中, 已发行 ;;;;;;;;13. However, playing the public-relation game with apologies is dangerous, as some politicians have found to their cost. “…as some politicians have found to their cost.”: Some politicians have realized through their own experiences that playing the public-relations game with apologies is dangerous. Here “as” refers to the statement of “playing the public-relations game with apologies is dangerous. ;;;;;Part B Grammar (Infinitive动词不定式) ;动词不定式的语态;动词不定式的时态;疑问词+不定式结构 ;动词不定式的语法功能;;;;三、作补语   1) 动词+宾语+不定式(to do)   advise allow believe cause challenge compel declare encourage forbid force find hire induce instruct invite like order permit persuade remind request require select send suppose tell train urge    例句:   a. Father will not allow us to play on the street.    父亲不让我们在街上玩耍。   2) to + be 的不定式结构,作补语的???词。   Acknowledge, believe, consider, think, decla


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