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湖北文理学院 毕业设计(论文)正文 题 目多功能自行车的设计与仿真专 业机械设计制造及其自动化班 级机制0812班姓 名学 号指导教师 职 称 2012年 5月 23日 湖北文理学院 毕业设计(论文)报告纸 多功能自行车的设计与仿真 摘要:自行车是一种基本的出行交通工具。在当今社会,虽然有更多的新型交通工具可供人选择,但在提倡低碳生活的今天,自行车作为绿色交通工具更被人们所青睐,并成为人们生活中不可分割的一部分。本文通过对市场上已有自行车的结构特点和功能进行研究,结合人机工程学的原理,在考虑合理性与舒适性要求的基础上完成了多功能自行车的总体设计。同时应用Pro/E软件的高级建模技术和运动仿真功能对自行车进行了三维建模、虚拟装配及仿真。这样更直观、更全面地反映了多功能自行车的设计意图,让设计者在设计阶段就能清楚地见到产品的最终结果,及时发现设计问题,缩短了产品开发周期,提高了设计效率,符合现代技术的发展要求,同时该设计对自行车新产品的开发也有一定的借鉴意义。 关键词:多功能自行车;虚拟装配;三维建模; Pro/E;运动仿真 Design and Simulation of Multifunctional Bicycle Abstract:People travel bike is one of the basic means of transport. Although in todays society,there is more alternative mode of transportation for people to choose, but in promoting low carbon living today, a bike as a green transport was favored by more and become an integral part of peoples lives. According to the analysis of the structural features and functions on the existing bicycle in this paper, combined with the ergonomics of principle, the overall design of the multi-function bike were completed based on the requirements of rationality and comfort property.At the same time, a 3D modeling, virtual assembly and simulation of a bike were completed by advanced modeling techniques and motion simulation based on Pro/ E software. This is more intuitive, more comprehensively reflect the design intent of the multifunctional bicycle. Designers at the design stage we can clearly see the final result of the product, timely detection of design problems, shorten the design and development cycle, the design efficiency were improved. Development requirements in line with modern technology. Meanwhile, the design of bicycle development of new products also have some reference. Key words: Multifunctional bicycle;Virtual Assembling;3D Modeling; Pro/E; Motion Simulation 湖北文理学院 毕业设计(论文)报告纸 目 录 装 订 线 湖北文理学院


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