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人类的依恋关系;动物的依恋:印刻现象;一项实验;如果一个婴儿没有机会与照看者建立情感联系将会怎样?;第二次世界大战期间,英国政府为了避免儿童遭受空袭的威胁,而将他们疏散到安全的地方,当时有些父母不愿和孩子分离,将孩子留在身边,一同躲避空袭。战后的研究发现,离开父母被送到安全地方的孩子,其表现的行为问题较之当时留在父母身边的儿童要多。;人类依恋的发展;儿童的分离焦虑;依恋关系理论;我很容易与人接近,依赖他们或让他们信赖我是件开心的事。我不怎么担心被抛弃或害怕别人离我太近;三种依恋类型;儿童依恋类型的测量;艾因斯沃斯的陌生情景实验;陌生情景;情境二:陌生人(左)与母亲(右)一起坐着;情境三:母亲离开,陌生人与婴儿在一起;情境四:妈妈返回,安顿婴儿;情境五:母亲离开,孩子单独留在室内;情境六:陌生人进行房间,与婴儿一起活动;情境七:母亲再次返回,重新安顿婴儿;观察的行为;安全型儿童;焦虑-矛盾型儿童;回避型儿童;安全型儿童母亲的特点;焦虑-矛盾型儿童的母亲;回避型儿童的母亲;成人的依恋风格---安全型;安全型成人的恋爱;一项研究;成人的依恋风格---回避型;回避型成人的恋爱;成人的依恋风格---3;焦虑-矛盾型成人的恋爱;依恋类型是否可以改变?;5条改善依恋关系的建议;5. Discussion;4、It is important to reiterate that we elected to conduct two parallel sets of analyses, examining the influence of attachment style, dysfunctional attitudes, and self-esteem on drug use frequency and then drug use specifically attributed to stress and/or negative affect. 5、Several limitations of the study need to be acknowledged. 5.1Even though measures were assessed at two points in time separated by 2 months, the design was still ultimately cross-sectional in the sense that baseline substance use was not measured.Thus, future work in this area should examine our model utilizing a prospective design that controls for baseline drug use behavior. ;5.2Also, whereas the target population (college students) of the present study is an important one for whom drinking, smoking, and marijuana use may be salient problematic behaviors, the extent to which this patterning of findings would be found in older, more established substance users and abusers is as yet unknown. 6、In summary, insecure attachment, specifically anxiety over possible abandonment (Anxious attachment), proved to be significantly related to both frequency of substance use and stress-motivated use of substances. This effect appeared to operate largely through dysfunctional attitudes about the self and self-esteem, lending support to the hypothesized model. ;Therefore, a plausible etiological process linking insecure attachment and substance use is that i


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