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对LM-80-08的理解 ? 深圳市迈昂科技有限公司 陈云明 ? 对于IES LM-80-08这一标准,目前国内有很多专家都做过讲解,我也有幸得以聆听学习,受益非浅。但在学习过程中,也经常发现,不同的专家,对于相同的概念,相同的测试条件都有不同的理解。这就给我造成了很多困惑:到底哪一个才是标准想表达的呢? 所以在此,我想把目前我所碰到的几个疑惑点列出来,抛砖引玉,说说我的看法,供大家参考,不对之处,恳请各位批评指正。 ? 1 本标准的适用范围 IES LM-80-08 标准原文如下: This document provides the methods of the measurement of lumen maintenance of sources including LED packages, arrays and modules only. 在3.2节有对光源的定义: LED package, array, or module that is operated via an auxiliary driver. 我的理解是该标准只适用于LED器件,LED阵列,或带有驱动器的LED模块。显然,这里面不应该包括LED灯具,或带有二次配光的LED产品。但通常我们会在最后半句话产生分歧:到底什么样的产品才是带有辅助驱动器的LED模块? 由于IES LM-80-08对于LED光源做寿命老化时,要求监控其壳温,而且是用热电偶附着在Ts点测量,即用一点的温度来衡量整颗LED的热状态,所以我的理解为:驱动器必须与LED紧紧的结合在一起,并且其热特性与LED一致,可以把驱动器与LED看成是一个独立的产品。这样通过测量Ts点的温度,即可以得知整颗LED模块的发热状态,从而得出控制参数和评判依据。 有的人认为驱动器是独立于LED模块而存在,即两者分离,我不太同意这一观点。 ? 2 壳温Ts IES LM-80-08 标准原文如下: 3.7 Case Temperature, (Ts) Ts is the temperature of the thermocouple attachment point on the LED light source package as defined by the manufacturer of the package. 字面含义是:壳温Ts为热电偶附着于LED光源某点所测得的温度,而这一点由生产厂家指定。 关键的问题就出在:生产厂家怎么指定某一点?这一点需要符合哪些条件才能被指定为Ts点呢? 我的理解为:这一点相对于整颗LED,必须有足够的热特性代表性,即通过测量这一点的温度,即可以评估整颗LED的发热情况;同时,测量点一定不能影响光输出。 3 温度及湿度条件 IES LM-80-08 标准原文如下: 4.4.2 Temperature and Humidity Operation of the LED light sources between photometric measurements shall be at a minimum of three case temperatures, Ts, using the same drive current. The three case temperatures, Ts, shall be 55℃and 85℃ with a third temperature selected by the manufacturer. The case temperature and drive current selected by the manufacturer should represent their expectation for customers applications and should be within the recommended operating temperature range. Case temperatures shall be controlled to - 2℃ during life testing. The temperature of the surrounding air should be maintained to within -5℃ of the case temperature during testing. The surrounding air temperature should be monitored within the test chamber. Humidity shall be maintained to less the 65 RH throughout the li


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