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旅游广告项目策划 (中英文);设计思路 (The idea of design);旅游线路 Tourist routes;肇庆 鼎湖山欢迎您 Welcome to Dinghu mountain;鼎湖山国家级自然保护区总面积约17000亩(1133公顷),位于广东省肇庆市鼎湖区,距离广州市西南100公里,主要保护对象为南亚热带地带性森林植被类型――季风常绿阔叶林及其丰富的生物多样性;保护区内生物多样性丰富,是华南地区生物多样性最富集的地区之一,被生物学家称为“物种宝库”和“基因储存库” Dinghu mountain national nature reserve area of about 17000 acres (1133 hectares),Located in Dinghu District of Zhaoqing city, Guangdong Province, distance 100 km southwest of Guangzhou, the main protection for South Asia zonal forest object tropical vegetation type-monsoon evergreen broad-leaved forest and its rich biodiversity; Rich bio-diversity protection area, is one of the richest set of biodiversities in South China area , is called species treasure house and gene stores“ by biologists. ;鼎湖山是岭南四大名山之首,距肇庆城区东北18公里,位于北纬23°10’,东经112°31’。因地球上北回归线穿过的地方大都是沙漠或干草原,所以鼎湖山又被中外学者誉为“北回归线上的绿宝石”,与丹霞山、罗浮山、西樵山合称为广东省四大名山。;走进杜鹃山,品赏杜鹃花 Walked into the cuckoo mountain, Orchid lovers azalea?.;幸福女人花, 观花赏蝶养心颜 (Woman flower, flower butterfly effect pigments.);杜鹃花,被人们誉为“花中西施” (Azalea , was Known as the flower of beauty 五彩缤纷的杜鹃花,唤起了人们对生活热烈美好的感情。(The colors of the azalea, evocative of the life warm and beautiful feelings.) 三月时分,鼎湖山800亩杜鹃山各色杜鹃满山盛放,让丽人们能够亲临花境,与花拍照,与花媲美。(Around March, 800 acres of rhododendron in dinghushan mountain assorted azalea mountain bloom ,Let beauty were able to visit the flower border, and take photos, comparable with the flower.) ;游过杜鹃山,我们来到了《宝鼎园》 (Visit the azalea mountain, we came to the “ bonding Park” ); 观鼎赏白兰 (View the tripod and admire the michelia) ;秦公鼎;观花点宝鼎园:;观花点老鼎: ;闯蝴蝶谷,共醉花海;“庄生晓梦迷蝴蝶, 望帝春心托杜鹃”,蝴蝶谷原始森林探险线是鼎湖山四大景点之一(Butterfly Valley Forest Adventure line is one of the four large attractions in Dinghu mountain ) 坐在游船上可观赏宝鼎园观景台下怒放的杜鹃花,谷内彩蝶纷飞,瀑布遍布、溪涧纵横、古木葱茏、林木繁荫,身置其中恍如隔世。;拥抱“水帘洞天” (Hug “Waterfall cave days”);再沿石蹬溯流而上到水帘顶端,向前看,对面陡峭悬崖,矗立千尺,巍峨险峻,令人叹为观止,往下望,珠帘下垂,温天雾雪,宛如撒玉,蔚为奇观。 ;挑战飞水潭 (Challenge the fly pool); 飞水潭摩崖刻字 (Cliff figures of flying an otherwise edaphical


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