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眼 科 新 进 展 2 00 4年 1 2月 第 24 卷 第 6 期
Rec A dv Op hthal mol V ol . 24 N o. 6 December 2004 # 441 #
研究及应用 v
安小玲 李 军 董 红 唐 杰
S t u d ie s a n d a p p lic a t io n o f o x id a t iv e
s t re s s re s p o n s e in d ia b e tic re t in o p a th y
AN Xiao-Ling, LI Jun, DONG Hong, TANG Jie
=K e y w o rd s diabetic retinopathy; oxidative stress; antioxidant; protein ki-
作 者简 介: 安 小玲, 女, 1970 年 7 nase C
月出生, 哈尔 滨 人, 汉 族, 中共 党 = Abs tra c t Ob je c t iv e To observe ox idative stress characteristics of antiox-
员, 副主任医师, 在 读博士研 究生 idant Vitamin E in diabetes rats, in order to investigate the pathogenic mecha-
( 导 师: 张 劲 松教 授 ) , 原 工 作 单 nism of diabetic retinopathy. M e t h o d s Diabetic rats and no diabetic rats that
位: 黑 龙江 省医 院 眼科 中心。 电 were fed standar d diets or the diets supplemented with Vitamin E: group 1:
- 1 - 1
话: 0246332 ( O ) ; E- 01 12 g#kg 、group 2: 0. 25g#kg . Diabetes of at least 8 months to observe the
mail: anxiaoling@ sohu. com protein kinase C activity and the change of accelular capillaries and pericyte
ghosts. Re s ult s It. s resulted in pericyte loss, accelular capillaries and base-
About AN Xiao- Ling: Female, ment membr ane thickening compar ed with diabetic controls. T he dev elopment
born in July, 1970. MD. Tel: 024- of acellular capillar ies was inhibited markedly ( P 0. 05) in diabetic rats
6332 ( O)