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形象店运营与管理规范 形象店是公司树立企业形象、创造品牌利益的有力场所,是直接的利润和信息的来源,是与消费者沟通的平台。统一的店面形象、统一的内部风格、统一的规范服务,不仅能实现产品销售的功能,传达产品品牌内涵,更能彰显企业雄厚实力、增强消费者对企业与产品品牌的信心与归属感,更重要的是也能为广大津城同源堂的事业合作伙伴创造出最大化的利益收入。 Operation and management regulations of Image store Image store presents corporate image,by which company create powerful brand and profits.Image store is the direct source of profit and information and is the platform to communicate with consumers. Unified store image, unified house style and unified standard service can not only realize the function of product sales, transmit brand content, reveal than great power of the company and enhance confidence and sense of belonging of customers and what’s more it can create maximum profits for the business partners of our company. 一.形象店加盟资格 1)身体健康,具备高中或同等以上学历,能熟练使用现代化办公设备; 2)热爱同源堂事业、认同公司营销理念、愿意遵守公司的规章制度; 3)具备津城同源堂高级会员资格,具有相应的团队力量为基础,且个人奖金总额累积达到一万元以上; 4)具备自有或租赁,且不在学校、医院、部队、政府机关,在当地工商管理部门可正式注册登记的经营场所; 5)具备较强的经营、管理能力,诚实守信,无商业失信的履历,品行端正,群众基础良好; 6)五万元订货申请成为公司授权形象店,公司批准后,即可享受6%店补,其中包括35个会员资料袋(价值1000元)与4.9万元产品额度(店长可自由选择津城同源堂旗下各类产品进行组合,总价不超过4.9万元)。 Ⅰ. Working qualification of image store 1) Good health, high school graduate or above, skillfully use modern office equipment; 2) Love the business of TONGYUAN GROUP, identify with the marketing concept of our company, be willing to abide by the rules and regulations of our company; 3)Have the qualificationsof senior membership, be supported by team work, and the cumulative total of individual bonuses is up to one million yuan; 4) Have owned or leased management place, and not in schools, hospitals, military units, government agencies, and register in local commercical administration departments; 5) Have strong business, management ability, honesty and trustworthiness, no commercial dishonesty resume, good conduct, good mass base; 6) Fifty thousand yuan order qualifies you to open image store of our company ,after the approvement of the company , you can enjoy 6% of subsidy, including 35 product kits (w


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