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to declare/report personal assets; to make the personal assets of officials public 申报个人财产 chiefs and deputy chiefs with government departments and public enterprises 司法官及各局级官员 public spending on government cars, overseas trips and official receptions 三公经费 house-for-pension program/scheme 以房养老= reverse mortgage loan住房反向抵押贷款/倒按揭 suspend class 停课 temporary absence from school 休学 Chief Executive 行政长官 administrative office directors 行政会成员 members of the Legislative Assembly 立法会议员 a government under the sunshine 阳光政府 hairy crab 大闸蟹 curbing approval procedures 缩减审批程序 streamlining registrations 简化注册手续 transparent and level-playing environment透明公平的环境 skills mismatch 技术不匹配 The State Council Information Office 国新办 Set-top boxes 机顶盒 sanitation trucks 环卫车 exhaust hoods 排气罩 debt extension 债务展期 debt cap 债务上限 big-spending 出手阔绰 big-ticket items 昂贵物品 poverty-relief funds 扶贫基金 negative list 负面清单 pre-establishment national treatment 准入前国民待遇 hedonism 享乐主义 mass line 群众路线 cross-border currency settlements 跨境货币支付 foreign currency payments and receipts 收付汇 foreign exchange trading 结售汇 Shanghai pilot free trade zone上海自贸区 Chinese-foreign equity joint ventures 中外合资企业 Chinese-foreign contractual joint ventures 中外合作企业 administrative approval 行政审批 deed the house to 抵押房子 home-based care services 居家养老服务 endowment insurance 养老保险 Typhoon Usagi 台风天兔 make landfall台风登陆 announce the verdict 宣判 be deprived of political rights for life剥夺政治权利终身 joinder of punishment for plural crimes 数罪并罚 庭审常用表达 cross-examination 交互讯问 plaintiff 原告 defendant 被告 court-appointed attorney 法庭指定律师 counter claim反诉、反要求、反索赔 contempt of court藐视法庭 default judgment缺席审判 appeal 上诉 jury 陪审团 verdict, judgment 判决 deposition 供述 objection over ruled 反对无效 objection sustained 反对有效 civil lawsuit 民事诉讼 criminal proceedings 刑事诉讼 alibi不在现场证明 to stand trial in open court 公开受审 collegiate bench 合议庭 chief judge,presiding judge 审判长 case files 案卷 admission and statement written by oneself crab roe 蟹黄 soft-shelled turtle 甲鱼 ordnance plant 美国海军工业军工厂 Chief o


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