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Section 3: Words and expressions of the unit Part 1: Some key words to learn amaze vt. Fill with great surprise or wonder: You amazed me![来源:学。科。网Z。X。X。K] I was amazed at the news. n. amazement: I heard with amazement that his wife died yesterday. He looked at me in amazement. His amazement at the news was immense. adj. amazing: The accident that happened on the road is amazing. bore vt. make sb. feel tired by being dull or tedious: I hope you are not getting bored listening to me. I’ve heard all that man’s stories before, they bored me. She was bored to death, very much bored indeed. adj. boring: I spent a boring evening this weekend. His speech is boring. embarrass vt. ①cause perplexity, mental discomfort, or anxiety to: The first meeting between the girl and the gentleman embarrassed each other. ②hinder the movement of: He fell into the river and, because he was embarrassed by his heavy overcoat, only just managed to swim to the bank. adj. embarrassing: What she asked me to do is very embarrassing n. embarrassment: Our government meet rare financial embarrassments this year. adv. embarrassingly: I embarrassingly promise to lend him some money.[来源:学科网] impress vt. ① press (one thing on or with another); make (a mark, etc) by doing this: The worker impressed a special figure on the coat. ② have a strong influence on; fix deeply (on the mind, memory): [来源:学科网][来源:学#科#网] His words are strongly impressed on my memory. The book did not impress me at all, I did not think it good or useful. I impressed him with the importance of his work. He impressed me unfavorably; I formed an unfavorable opinion of him. n. impression: The speech made a strong impression on the House. What were your first impressions of Shanghai? adj. impressive: This is an impressive ceremony.[来源:学科网] disappoint vt. fail to do or be equal to what is hoped for or expected: The article the author wrote disappointed me very much. Please don’t disappoint me, don’t fail to do


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