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Module 4 A Social Survey-My Neighbourhood;Why is Neighbourhood Watch Needed? A police officer may not know what is normal in your street and may not recognize a stranger in your yard.You and your neighbours are in a position to observe and report anything of a suspicious nature to police.②Some members of a community do nothing about suspicious activities,as they do not know what to do or if their neighbours would appreciate their involvement.Neighbourhood Watch is protection of your property and lifestyle through communication and cooperation between neighbours.;The objectives of Neighbourhood Watch Are to: ◆Reduce preventable crime. ◆Encourage reporting of suspicious(令人怀疑的)activity. ◆Reduce the fear of crime within the community. ◆Improve the level of home security in the community. ◆Improve the quality of information passed to police. ◆Discourage theft. ◆Assist in identifying recovered property.;Neighbourhood Watch Development Officer Within the Perth metropolitan area,several Local Government authorities have appointed Neighbourhood Watch Development officers and their duties include: ◆Promotion of Neighbourbood Watch. ◆Recruitment(充实,招收)of volunteers. ◆Liaison(联系)with the community,Crime Prevention Officers,local police and other relevant(相关的)authorities. ◆Organization of and participation in public meetings promoting Neighbourhood Watch.;2.翻译佳句,放眼高考 Neighbourhood Watch is protection of your property and lifestyle through communication and cooperation between neighbours. _________________________________________________ _______________________;Period One Introduction,Reading and Vocabulary;6.unemployed / ?nImpl?Id/ adj.________________ 7.architecture /ɑ:kItekt??/ n.________ 8.survive/s?vaIv/ v.________ 9.afford /?f?:d/ v.____________________ 10.professional /pr?fe?n?l/ n.adj._________________;短语天地 1.______________与……相似 2.______________在海边 3.__________________高楼大厦 4.______________做成,成功 5.______________摆脱 6.a shopping mall______________ 7.a great many________


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