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Module 5 A Lesson in a Lab Module Review;Ⅰ. 单词串记(根据构词法完成下面空格) 1. ~(元音)de (v. )→~(元音)sion (n. ) conclude( v. )得出结论→__________(n. )结论 【类记】 decide( v. )→_______ ( n. ) 决定 include( v. )→________( n. ) 包括 explode( v. )→_________( n. ) 爆炸 expand( v. )→_________( n. ) 扩张;2. (v. ) +-ment→ n. equip( v. )配备, 装备→__________( n. )设备, 装备 【类记】 achieve( v. )→___________( n. )成就; 完成 amuse( v. )→__________( n. )娱乐; 消遣 move( v. )→_________( n. )活动; 移动 agree( v. )→__________( n. )同意;judge( v. )→__________( n. )判断(力) enjoy( v. )→__________( n. )享受; 乐趣 encourage( v. )→______________( n. )鼓励; 激励 astonish( v. )→____________( n. )吃惊 employ( v. )→___________( n. )雇用; 职业 disappoint( v. )→______________( n. )失望;Ⅱ. 连词成句(用本模块的词汇完成句子, 每空一词) 1. 固体像液体和气体一样也会膨胀和收缩。 Solids _______ and ________ as liquids and gases do. 2. 当你在本系的演讲厅里看见一些人不得不坐在窗台上时, 别惊讶。 Don’t feel __________ when you see that in some ______ halls of the ___________ some people have to sit on the window sills. 3. 氢气(hydrogen)与氧气反应产生电和水。 The hydrogen ______ with _______ to produce _________ and water. ;4. 关于这种混合物, 我们还没有达到可以得出最后结论的阶段。 We haven’t reached the _____ where we can come to a final __________ about this _______. 5. 当它们在水面浮起后, 继续用小火煮大约一分钟。 When they ____ on the water, continue to ____ for about one minute with low _____. 6. 两种物质都不溶于水。 Neither of the __________ ________ in water. ;7. 这门课的目的是教给孩子们如何正确使用电子设备。 The ____ of the course is to teach children how to use ________ __________ correctly. 8. 水一沸腾, 蒸汽就形成了。 Steam ______ (is _______) when water _____. 9. 他成功的另一部分原因是他懂得如何平衡学习与娱乐(entertainment) 的关系。 Another ______ reason for his success is that he knows how to _______ study and entertainment. ;Ⅲ. 句式点拨 1. 地球是月球的49倍大。(True or False) (1)The earth is forty-nine times as larger as the moon. ( ) (2)The earth is forty-nine times the size with the moon. ( ) (3)The earth is forty-nine times larger than the moon. ( );【思路点拨】 本题考查的是倍数表达法, 即: as +adj. 原级+as the +名词(size, weight, depth,


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