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高中英语必修一单词及语言点总结单词总结Unit 1 Friendship一、单词拼写1. When learning English, it is quite important to develop the ability of____________ (交际).2. Failing in the examination again ___________ (心烦意乱) her a lot.3. Those who are in difficult s___________ usually work harder to get out of it.4. As an e__________ of the newspaper, I should be responsible for what is printed in it.5. He was punished by the school because of his c____________ in the exam.6. Many t__________ are so crazy about football that they get up to watch football games at midnight.7. My English is very friendly to us. She often gives us some a_________ on learning English.8. It’s quite n_________ for a person to refuse the offer of help from strangers.9. What is the r_________ for your absence of yesterday’s meeting?10. Dancing with the rich in the party, he had a f_________ of being laughed at.二、选词填空。face to face list concern about go through sharereason suffer point habit add up1. Every time he __________ the figures, he gets a different answer.2. They are ___________ with a new problem which they must solve at once.3. I am not in the ___________ of going to see a film in the day.4. She ____________ all the things she had to buy.5. What are the _____________ to look for when you are buying a new computer.6. She just suddenly left without giving any_____________.7. We _____________ the cost of the meal.8. Mr. Zhang ____________ heavy loses in the accident.9. She has _____________ an unhappy time recently.10. She thinks only of herself, she never ______________ other people.三、短语翻译1.努力去做某事________________________2.根据_____________________3.对……很狂热______________________4.度假_________________5.关心__________________6.镇定下来______________________7.与……相处得好\不好________________________8.有……的麻烦______________________9.经历,经受___________________________10.故意________________________Unit 2 English around the word一、单词拼写1. He looks handsome and gentle, but a_________ he is a thief.2. Pronunciation and gramma


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