How to raise junior high school to give birth to English language feeling and conversational ability.doc

How to raise junior high school to give birth to English language feeling and conversational ability.doc

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How to raise junior high school to give birth to English language feeling and conversational ability

精品文档欢迎来主页查询 更多精品文档,欢迎来我主页查询 How to raise junior high school to give birth to English language feeling and conversational ability English language feels, it is the ability of a kind of English study that forms on the foundation that masters English knowledge in student adroitness. English conversation ability is to show the student is in learning process, can communicate communication each other with English knowledge, the spoken English that passes oneself is narrated, the content clarity that wants oneself expression, complete the earth’s surface is amounted to come out. English conversation ability is to detect the basic approach that the student uses neatly to English. Try to analyse from two respects below: One, the way that increases capacity of student union word Of English conversation ability rise, need a lengthy process, teacher of the need in this process is encouraged ceaselessly, supportive student uses English communication; In the meantime, in still needing the course that the pupil learns in English, can hit ABC prison, avoid Chinese type English appear. Condition of 1. activate words Words condition activate can make the pupil learns the study in the environment in relaxed, happy English not only, in the process that still can communicating communication at the same time, relaxed, natural use English. Greet sb before the class for instance: “Hello, everyone. “ the courteous diction between the classmate: “Goodmorning. “ the teacher replaces Chinese with English in classroom: Can\Doyouunderstand? Readloudly, please.Areyouready? YesorNo? Stophere. ... 2. strengthens communication Strengthen communication to be able to help a student increase his English conversation capacity not only, return the blemish that can make the teacher sees a student at the same time, so that take measure side in time,its are corrected. Besides, in the process that communicates in student English, the teacher still should encourage student, support student ceaselessly,


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