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青岛理工大学毕业设计 第  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 122 页 第  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 120 页 摘 要 本毕业设计为青岛流亭机场办公楼相应工程量计算、相应施工图预算以及施工组织设计。施工组织设计是对工程建设项目全过程的构思设想和具体安排,用来指导施工项目全过程各项活动的技术、经济和组织的综合性文件。工程造价是投资者的投资命脉,而施工组织设计则是建筑施工组织的核心和灵魂,一个好的施工组织关系到一个工程能否顺利有序的实施,关系到一个施工项目的成败。 本次毕业设计的内容主要分为两部分。第一部分:每人计算一部分工程量,套消耗量定额,进行相应部分的施工图预算;然后小组进行工程量汇总,再套消耗量定额,对本工程进行施工图预算,得出本工程的费用及材料、机械消耗数量。第二部分:施工组织设计,根据本工程的特点和施工条件及工期和质量要求,合理划分施工段并确定施工流向,编制出切实可行的施工方案;根据各分部分项工程的划分,编制施工组织进度计划表,保证主导工序的连续施工;对人、财、物等资源进行优化,确定合适的资源需要量计划;根据计算确定材料堆场面积,根据现场的实际情况,进行垂直机械、堆场面积、道路等的布置,从而确定合理的施工平面图;采取各项技术组织管理措施,确保工程的顺利实施。 关键词:工程量、施工图预算、施工组织设计、施工方案。 ABSTRACT The graduation design for Qingdao liuting airport office quantities corresponding calculation, the corresponding construction drawing budget and the construction organization design. The construction organization design is the process of construction of the project design and construction projects, to guide the whole technical and economic activities and comprehensive files. Project cost is the lifeblood of the investment, and the construction organization design, construction and organization is the core and soul, a good construction organization in relation to a project implementation, smooth and orderly in relation to the success or failure of a construction project. The main content of graduation design is divided into two parts. The first part: part of each calculation, consumption quota, corresponding parts of the construction drawing budget, Then again, the team quantity of consumption quota consolidated, engineering construction drawing budget, the engineering cost and materials, mechanical consumption quantity. The second part: the construction organization design, according to the characteristics of engineering and construction conditions and time limit and quality requirements, the reasonable construction and construction flow, formulate feasible construction scheme, According to the division of division, sectional engineering construction progress schedule, gua


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