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PAGE192 贵开高速都溪隧道右线施工图设计 摘 要:贵阳至开阳都溪隧道是一座上下行分离的双向四车道长隧道,全线位于贵阳市白云区都拉营镇都溪村境内,本隧道是贵阳至开阳的重要交通路线。严格按照现行公路隧道设计规范和设计任务书的要求,本设计只进行贵阳至开阳都溪隧道右线的施工图设计,公路设计等级为高速公路,设计时速为80km/h,隧道全长1215m。衬砌结构计算方面,洞身段主要采用复合式衬砌,初次支护采用弹塑性理论(地层结构法),考虑地层与围岩之间的相互作用,进行锚喷支护的设计与计算;二次衬砌运用有限元软件进行结构内力分析并根据分析结果进行配筋和验算。洞门设计方面,充分考虑洞口位置的地形、地质情况,贵阳端采用端墙式洞门,开阳端采用翼墙式洞门。隧道通风采用射流式纵向通风;照明采用钠光灯照明。排水方面,遵照“截、堵、排”相结合的设计原则处理地下水的问题。施工方面,采用新奥地利隧道施工法,从两端洞门同时进行开挖,根据不同围岩级别分段施工,主要采用全断面法,单向侧壁导坑开挖法和台阶法,以及光面爆破,并进行合理的施工组织设计。 关键词:隧道;复合式衬砌;洞门;新奥地利隧道施工法 The construction drawing design of the right line in gui kai highway du xi tunnel Abstract: The Duxi tunnel from Guiyang to Kaiyang is an ascending-descending separation bidirectional four vehicle traffic lanes priest tunnel, which locates at Duxi village Dulayin town in the Guiyang Baiyun District ,this tunnel is important transportation route from Guiyang to Kaiyang. According to the request of present highway tunnel design standard and the design project description, this design only carries on tunnel right line construction drawing design from Guiyang to Kaiyang, whose highway design rank is the highway, the design speed is 80km/h, and the tunnel span 1215m. In the term of lining work structure computation, the hole figure mainly uses composite lining, the primary supports and protections use the elasto-plasticity theory (stratal configuration law) , conside the nteraction between stratum and country rock, and adopt the design and cayulation of shotcrete-anchorage support; Secondary lining carries on the structure endogenic force analysis using the finite element software and carrIes on the reinforcing bars and the checking calculation based on the analysis results. In the tunnel portal design aspect, having fully considered the terrain of tunnel openning , the geological situation, the end of Guiyang section tunnel uses the end wall type portal, the Kaiyang’s end uses the wing wall type portal. The tunnel ventilation uses longitudinal ventilation of the jet flow type;


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