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黑龙江八一农垦大学毕业论文(设计)  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT - 0 - 信息与计算科学的起源与发展 学生姓名:石光东 指导教师:张宏礼 所在学院:理学院 专 业:信息与计算科学 中国·大庆 2013 年 3 月 摘要 信息与计算科学专业是教育部1998年颁布的新的数学类专业。这一专业的设置不仅较好地适应了新世纪以信息技术为核心的全球经济发展格局下的数学人才培养的与专业的发展,而且也对数学类专业的招生带来了积极影响。招生人数也从1999年的5462人迅速增长到近10万人。信息与计算科学专业已经成为高校十分热门的专业,“信息与计算科学”专业自 2003 年成立以来,依托学院“医药为主,文理渗透” 发展这一总体环境,经全体教研室教师的共同奋斗,在教师队伍建设、学科建设、专业 建设等诸多方面,均取得了一定的成绩。目前,“信息与计算科学”专业已连??招生几 年;2005、2006 年由于招生计划制订不科学,招生情况不理想,停招 2 年。 经过 3 年年的建设,本专业点拥有了一支教学水平和科研能力较高的师资队伍, 具备较好教学、实验条件,积累了承办“信息与计算科学”专业一定的的教学和管理经 验。在 3 年的专业建设上,把力量放在教育和培养高素质应用型人才上所以我们要坚定自己的目标,努力学习着。 关键字:数学类专业,核心,发展,建设,招生,信息技术 Information and computing science specialty is ministry of education promulgated in 1998 new math class. The professional Settings not only be well adapted to the new century information technology as the core of the global economic development under the pattern of mathematical talent training and professional development, but also a positive influence on the mathematics class professional admissions. Enrollment is also growing rapidly from 1999 in 5462 to nearly 100000. Information and computing science specialty has become very popular in colleges and universities, Information and calculation science specialized since it was founded in 2003, relying on the college medicine is given priority to, liberal arts penetration development of the overall environment, by all the teachers of teaching and research section of the common struggle, in the teacher troop construction, discipline construction, professional construction, and many other aspects, has obtained certain achievement. At present, the information and calculation science specialized has admissions in a few years in a row; In 2005 and 2006 due to the unscientific recruitment plan, recruitment situation is not ideal, stop for 2 years. After 3 year of construction, the professional has a high teaching level and scientific research ability of teachers, have a good teaching, experimental conditions, accumulated to undertake info


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