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Unit 2 the environment导学案(学生版) Project Protecting the Yangtze River Learning aims(学习目标):1.Help Ss learn and use English by doing a project. 2. Encourage Ss to use they have learnt to complete a project Important points(学习重点): To analyze the whole text and know about the structure and the main idea of the text Difficult points(学习难点): How to complete the project. Learning guides(方法导引): Read, copy and recite Learning procedures(学习过程): Step1. Try to remember the new words as quickly as possible(温馨提示:说一千,道一万,记住单词是关键!) Read and recite new words and phrases from raise to appreciate three times.(方法导引:按音标正确读,背单词和短语)(A级) Copy the new words and phrases from raise to appreciate three times.(方法导引:汉语只需抄一遍,抄写后应会默写这些单词和短语)(A级) 根据所给中文释义写出各单词:(方法导引:先默写,然后核对答案,错误之处用红笔标出,写出正确答案后再次加以巩固)(B级) 1.引发, 提出 2.全世界范围的 3.幸运的是 4建议,劝告 5.保护,保存 6.范围 7.关于,涉及 8.努力 9.农业的 10.赞赏,赏识 11.评估 12.非政府的 13.保护区,保留,保存 14.飞快的 15.关注,关心 Step2. Answer the following questions without your books. (回答问题时不准看书,小组接龙式提问) 1.Why do the environmental problems of the Yangtze River draw people’s attention at home and abroad? 2.What has caused the pollution of the Yangtze River? 3.What bad effects has it had on the ecology of the area? 4.What has been done to deal with the problem? 5.What has The Green River Organization done? 6. What has the government done to deal with water and soil preservation? 7. What has th


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