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1.忙于 be busy doing sth,/ be busy with sth 忙于做某事 I’m busy preparing for my birthday party these days. 2.Would you help me plan a trip ? 请你帮我定个旅行计划好吗? Would you 比will you 语气更加客气,委婉, 类似还有could you Could you come along with us ? 3 make sure 确信,确保 Make sure all the windows are closed before you leave. 4.It’s about two and a half hours by bike. 骑自行车大约要2个半小时。(提问:How far—距离) Two and a half hours = two hours and a half ; 4.It’s to the east of Yongling. 它在永陵的东面。 to the +方位词+of (表示互不接壤) Japan is to the east of China. on the +方位词+of (表示相互接壤)Fujian is on the south of Zhejang . in the +方位词+of 表示在某一范围内的地区 Beijing is in the north of China. 5.They walked into Dingling and were surprised at the wonders. 他们走进定陵,对那里的奇观感到很惊奇。 be surprised at 对……感到很惊奇 be surprised to do sth 惊奇地做某事 She was surprised to find she was lost. ;6.so they had to look for space to park their bikes 他们不得不寻找停自行车的地方 space 空间 Can you make space for this old man ? 7. While the crowd was pushing him in different directions, someone stepped on his toes. one’s direction 朝着某人的方向 step on one’s toes踩了某人的脚 step on sth 踩某物 Don’t step on the flowers and grass. ;;1.I think traffic in Beijing is crazy. 我认为北京的交通很拥堵。 traffic 是不可数名词 2. If people obey the traffic rules , there will be fewer accidents. 如果人们都遵守交通规则,交通事故将会减少。 If we break the traffic rules, it will be dangerous and we will get a fine.如果人们违反交通规则,将很危险,我们会受到处罚的。 这是if 引导条件状语从句,主句用一般将来时,从句用一般现在时。 3.I feel a little more confident. 我感到自信多了。 more confident 是比较级 4. It can help us save energy and avoid pollution. 这样可以节约能源以及避免空气污染。 avoid sth / doing sth 避免做某事 You should avoid making the mistake like that. ;5. It warns us to be more careful. Warn sb (not)to do sth 警告/提醒某人做某事 He warned her to keep silence. Warn sb about sth 提醒某人某事 6.However, his way to success didn’t go well. 然而,他的成功之路并非一帆风顺。 The way to success 成功之路 success in doing sth 在……成功 7.Like the other challenges in his li


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