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PAGE  PAGE - 5 - Unit 3 Back to the past每课一练 5 牛津版必修3 基础落实 Ⅰ.根据课文内容填空 Time1863WhoOtto Lindenbrock,a professor Axel,his nephew Hans,a 1.________What?They journeyed 2.________ and came to a vast room. ?They set sail and came across two 3.________. ?They noticed a 4.________ four metres tall when they explored the 5.________. ?They reached the 6.________ of a large hole and were pushed into a 7.________ in Italy.Travel into the pastIn AD 802,701,two races lived together.The Morlocks were real 8.________ of the Eloi.Travel into the 9.________In 30 million years later,everything was 10.________ and there was no life or movement at all.Ⅱ.单词检测 1.n.侄子,外甥________ 惊恐________ 人类________ 印象________ 2.v.聘用________ 逃跑;避免________ 精通,掌握________ 3.adj.破旧的,疲惫的________ Ⅲ.短语检测 1.充满      ______________ 2.发出 ______________ 3.出海 ______________ 4.突然 ______________ 5.偶遇 ______________ 6.至少 ______________ 7.坚持 ______________ Ⅳ.语境填词 1.All these books need to be ________ (装箱) into boxes. 2.I ________ (租用) a car to Linyi. 3.At the end of the third scene the actress ________ (退场). 4.She longed to ________ (摆脱) from her mother’s domination. 5.She screamed with ________ (恐惧) when she saw a snake. 6.The missile(导弹) rose ________ (向上) into the sky. 7.She came back ________ (疲惫的) and worried. 8.His first speech as president made a strong ________ (印象) on his audience. Ⅴ.选词填空 eq \x(come across,be connected to,put forward,lose control of,give out,come to,instead of) 1.The machine is ________________ a lot of smoke and noise. 2.They have ________________ a plan for reducing the level of traffic. 3.Do you have a computer which ________________ the Internet? 4.He was so tired that he ________________ his car and crashed into a big tree. 5.While cleaning the study,I ________________ an old photo of my mother. 6.We’ll go by bus ________________ on foot. 7.Things have ____________ such a state in the company that he’s thinking of resigning. Ⅵ.


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