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Creating an illustrated time chart;A time chart should be a chart marked with time periods and important events that take place in certain time periods. ;Read the text carefully,give the general idea of each paragraph.;Paragraph 1 Paragraph 2;Paragraph 3 Paragraph 4;What happened in both China and rome in the year 509 BC? In 509 BC China suffered from fighting and many groups ruled China. Rome become a repbulic.;2.What about the year 27 BC? Rome become an empire and controlled many parts of Europe. China also influenced other countries.;3.When was Confucius born? In 551 BC.;4. When did Han Dynasty fall and what did it result in? In AD 220. China was once again ruled by many different groups and this caused many wars.;5. What did China and Rome have in common during the Han Dynasty? Xi’an and Rome were both the two largest cities in the world at that time. In both China and Rome, poetry, literature and philosophy were being developed.;6. When was Silk Road was in use? And what was it used for? As early as 200 BC. It was a route for trade between the East and the West. 7. When did the trade between China and Rome begin? What goods were traded? In AD 1. Silk, wine, spices, wool and other goods.;create an illustrated time chart; Planning To work in small groups. To choose a time period in history To take one task for each student;Discuss the tasks for each member. Research ________________ Write the outline ________________ Illustrate the time chart __________ Present the time chart ___________; Preparing To find information from books ,magazines or the internet,. To meet , discuss and decide what to include in the time chart Write an outline To make a final decision and finish the outline approved by all the members;Producing To design the time chart based on the outline To correct any possible mistakes and add more new ideas To practice the information on the outline orally and make it perfect;Presenting To present their


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