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PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT4 2015考研英语倒计时大作文重点必备材料 各位同学要认真记忆核心论证素材和句子,以便考试中遇到相似情境,进行套用,尽量减少现场原创。以下提供考前需要背诵的重要素材,同学们的学习方法是:以最快速度记忆,然后默写。这些材料在考试中,可以作为有效论证或原因分析的材料,帮助我们快速写好第二段或第三段。 重点主题1:个人品质 主要论述某种品质的重要作用,比如独立能力(the ability of independence)适应环境(adaptation to the environment)、坚持(persistence)、创新(creativity/innovation)、勇气/胆识(courage)等。这类主题既可单独考,也可以融合到其他主题中做论据。(提示:英一和英二都要重视) To begin with, 主题词 should always play a significant role in our life and work. All of us are eager to be successful in whatever we do. In fact, only those who have the ability of主题词 in doing enough to encounter challenges of all sorts are most likely to reach the summit of success. Furthermore, the 主题词 also spirits the young people up, keeps them mentally vigorous and endows them the power of solving any problems in the way to the success. According to a report released recently by Chinese Institute for Educational Research, most successful entrepreneurs such as Ma Yun ascribe their achievement to some important traits, with 主题词 being one of them.(提示:观点1主题的重要性;观点2编一个统计调查) According to Theory of Need put forward by the famous modern psychologist Maslow, everyone has the need for love/self-esteem/self-actualization/success. It is out of dispute that主题词as a key factor to our success both in study and work contributes greatly to this …. (提示:马斯洛需求理论可以通用在品质类的任何具体话题中。) 重点主题2:可持续发展(sustainable development)(节约、资源保护、低碳生活)(提示:英语一/二都可用) 以下以节约为例给出论证素材,同类话题可以直接改写套用 Thrift, as is known to all, is considered one of the merits that we should have. It is this merit that helps to reduce the amount of time/money/space consumed in our daily life. A community with clear awareness of saving water/… is always praised as a highly civilized society and a good model for others to learn from. (提示:节约的意义) Waste, as is known to all, is one of the poor habits we should not have. It is this habit that definitely results in the extravagance of natural resource/limited time/money. A community with vague or even no awareness of thrift is


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