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Unit 1;1.Why did Ray Charles Robinson become popular with the Americans? 2.Can you give an example of Ray Charles Robinsons own kind of music?; The song Lets Go Get Stoned is an example of Ray Charles own kind of music — his own sound. He worked hard for several years to create that sound. No one ever tried it before. He mixed black church music, blues and rocknroll. The sound was extremely successful.In the 1950s, his records began to sell millions of copies. At the same time, ;Ray Charles recorded jazz music.Those re-cords sold well, too. People said they were new and exciting. Ray Charles became famous because he could play blues, rock and jazz. He also liked other kinds of music. He told the record company officials that he wanted to record an album (专辑) of country-and-western music.; The president of the record company told him it would be a mistake. He said Rays fans would not buy the album. Charles disagreed. He said he believed he would gain many new fans to replace the few he might lose. He produced the album and it was an immediate success. The album was called Modern Sounds in Country and Western Music. Many of the songs sold very well. One of the most popular songs was I Cant Stop Loving You. It is a country-and-western song with Ray Charles sound of blues and black church of music.;Ⅰ.What are our five senses?Please look at the following picture and name the five senses.;Ⅱ.Fill in the blanks according to the pictures.;3.The little boy is so interested in the picture that he is it with his hand. ;smells;Scan the text and choose the best answers. 1.It was ________ that Polly had her fantastic experience. A.on the way to work B.on the way back home from work C.on the way to visit her friend D.on her way to the shop;3.How did Polly get to Green Park she wanted to go to? A.By bus. B.Taking a taxi. C.On the train. D.Led by a strange man. 4.The man who helped Polly out of trouble was



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