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Unit 2;1.Whats the importance of understanding body language? 2.Do you like using body language when you communicate with other people?; Body language is any non-verbal communi-cation that people use to communicate with other people. How you stand and how you use your smile and your eyes, all directly influence what other people think of you. When you walk;into a room, you naturally give an impres-sion to everyone in that room exactly who and what you are. It may not be the im-pression that you want them to have of you but it is too late. Before you say a word, the person with whom you are try-ing to communicate may already know whether you are confident or shy, truthful or lying. How is that possible? It is all in your body language.; The message that a person sends out is often very different from the message that is spoken. It is to your advantage to learn how to understand body language effectively. It is impor-tant that you are able to understand the messages that you are receiving from others correctly. It is even more impor-tant to understand the messages that you are sending.; All in all, to be successful you need to know how to move and act and how to read other people. It may not always win an argument or close a deal, but it will help you a lot whenever you communicate with other people. Be-coming skillful at reading and using body language will give you a great ad-vantage in any situation.;Ⅰ.Do you recognize all the languages below? 1.新年快乐!            2.Happy New Year! 3.Bonne Année! 4.Glückliches Neues Jahr! 5.あけましておめでとうございます! ;Ⅱ.Match the following pictures with the meaning of the sign language.;Ⅲ.Guess the mood from the facial expressions.;Scan the text and choose the best answers. 1.What is the main reason for Englishs development? A.The borrowing from other languages. B.The mixing of different languages from different coun-tries. C.The invasions. D.All of the above.;2.Ol



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