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;Reading ;Brainstorming;Lead-in;Reading comprehension;1. What are the speeches about? They are about different effects of the Internet on our lives. 2. The first speaker talks about the positive effects of the Internet on our lives. How many main points does she make? What are they? Two. Looking for information and building online communities and form friendship on the Internet.;3. The second speaker talks about the negative effects of the Internet on our lives. What are the two points he makes? Uncontrolled information and the change in the way people spend their time.;Detailed reading ;People can write anything they want, and we cannot always tell if the information is true or corrent. Of regular Internet users, 80 per cent mainly use the Internet to search for answers to questions.;Some experts say that spending too much building Internet relationships can damage people’s abilities to live normal lives. People who are disabled and must stay in their homes can still communicate with the outside world and meet others with similar interests.;One of the greatest benefits of Internet friendships is they are based on common interests, rather than appearance, age or popularity. As the Internet has gained popularity, there has been an interesting change in the way people, particularly families, spend their time.;Read the facts below, and write down the argument each fact supports.;Supporting facts;Supporting facts;Supporting facts;Reading strategy: reading an argument;Another thing you will commonly find in an argument is a statement about what the other side believes, and why the debater does not agree. At the end of the argument, you will find the conclusion. In the section, the main point of the argument is restated.;Usage of reading strategy;Exercises about new words in the passage;4. evaluate (Line 33) 5. accuracy (Line 34) 6. false (Line 39) 7. withdraw (Line 58);Suggested answer of Part E;Post- reading activities;Homework



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