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Origins of Chinese Music The tones of a well-managed age are at rest and happy; its government is balanced. The tones of an age of turmoil are bitter and full of anger; its government is perverse. The tones of a ruined state are filled with lament and brooding; its people are in difficulty.” --Great Preface of Book of Odes (470BC) “…情发于声,声成文谓之音。治世之音安以乐,其政和;乱世之音怨以怒,其政乖;亡国之音哀以思,其民困。” --《诗经》序篇(公元前470);Traditional Chinese Music dates back to between 7,000 and 8,000 years ago. Featured with unique melodies within different Chinese dynasties and accompanied with Chinese traditional musical instruments. Music in China is played on solo instruments or in small ensembles of plucked(弹拨) and bowed(带有琴弓的) stringed instruments, flutes, and various cymbals(铙钹), gongs(锣), and drums. The scale has five notes. Bamboo pipes and qin(琴) are among the oldest known musical instruments from China; instruments are traditionally divided into categories based on their material of composition: skin, gourd(葫芦), bamboo, wood, silk, earth/clay, metal and stone.; 我国民族乐器有着非常悠久的历史,早在原始社会已陆续出现了打击乐磬、鼓、钟,吹管乐器皿、笙等。 历史记载,在周代就有民族乐器近七十多种,并按其制作材料分成八类,叫做八音,即:金、石、土、木、革、丝、竹、匏。 在漫长的历史长河中,民族乐器经过劳动人们不断创造、改革,得到很大的发展,直到现在仍流传的有战国、秦、汉至隋、唐间出现的筝、笛、琵琶、管子、方响、锣、钹等;宋代以后出现的唢呐、云锣、三弦、扬琴、胡琴、坠琴等。 in China, traditional musical instruments are classifed according to the materal they are made. eight sounds: metal(金), stone(石), string(丝), bamboo(竹), gourd(匏pao), clay(土), leather(革), and wood(木);目前,我国民族乐队的乐器按演奏方法及音响效果划分为四大类: 1. 吹管乐器:笛子、箫、笙、唢呐、管子等; 2. 拉弦乐器:板胡、二胡、高胡、中胡等; 3. 弹拔乐器:扬琴、柳琴、琵琶、阮、三弦、筝等; 4. 打击乐器:鼓、板、钹、云锣、大锣等。; The dizi (笛子; pinyin: dízi), is a Chinese transverse (横向的) flute. 笛子,古代叫“横吹”,战国末期已经流行,约两千多年历史,是我国古老、使用非常广泛的一种乐器。它体积小,携带方便,发音清脆嘹亮,表现力丰富,深受人们喜爱。; The xun (埙; pinyin: xūn) is a Chinese ocarina (ɑk?rin?陶笛)made of clay or ceramic. It is one of the oldest Chinese instruments. 埙在“八音”中分属“土”。各时期的埙形态不完全相同,有橄榄形、圆形、椭圆形、鱼形等。主要用于历代雅乐,民间也有流传。; 箫。汉代以前的箫多指排箫,汉代的陶俑和嘉峪关魏晋墓室砖画上,已


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