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Period Three Task 基础落实 Ⅰ.单词检测 1.n.________结果,后果 ________排列;安排 2.v.________鼓掌 3.adj.________合理的 Ⅱ.短语检测 1.wear sb.________使筋疲力尽 2.focus ________集中于…… 3.result ________导致 4.________ measures to do sth.采取措施做某事 5.look out ________当心…… Ⅲ.句型转换 1.The children are finding it hard to adapt to their new school. →The children are finding it hard to ________ ________ their new school. 2.They believe that this illness is associated with the use of chemical pesticides. →They believe that this illness ________ ________ ________ the use of chemical pesticides. 3.You have to watch out for fast traffic along here. →You have to ________ ________ ________ fast traffic along here. 4.The chairman arranged for the meeting to be put off for 3 weeks as a result of bad weather these days. →The chairman ________ ________ the meeting should be put off for 3 weeks ________ ________ bad weather these days. 5.Their carelessness led to the failure. →Their carelessness ________ ________ the failure. Ⅳ.单项填空 1.—I hear that you will be on travel again. —Yeah.My boss ________ for me to discuss business details with someone from another company. A.asked B.arranged C.held D.called 2.In my childhood,I was often ________ by Mother to mind my behavior. A.hoped B.demanded C.allowed D.reminded 3.All her energies are ________ upon her children and she seems to have little time for anything else. A.aimed B.focused C.guided D.directed 4.Any damage ________ negligence must be paid for by the borrower. A.resulting from B.resulting in C.resulted from D.resulted in 5.She found it hard to ________ working late into the night. A.used to B.adjust to C.be adjustable D.adjust of 6.A working party has been set up to________the problem. A.look into B.look out for C.look around D.look up 7.Although________to stop,she kept on working. A.tell B.telling C.having told D.told 8.Doctors recommended that a modern hospital ________. A.being built B.be b



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