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1. sense (1)n.[C]感官,官能 She lost her sense of hearing early in life. 她早年就失去了听觉。 (2)n.[C](单词\短语、句子等的)意义,含义 a word with several senses 有几个意思的词 (3)n.[C](对某物的)感觉(多用作单数,后跟of短语或that从句) When you touch ice, you have a sense of coldness. 当你触摸冰时,会有冷的感觉。 He suddenly had a sense that someone was standing behind him. 突然他有一种有人站在他背后的感觉。 (4)n.[U](尤指对具体事物的)判断力,辨别力 Now you are talking sense. 现在你说的还合情理。 She has no sense of time/direction. 她没有时间观念/方向感。 (5)n.[C]理智,神智(常用复数) The fresh air made her come to her senses again. 新鲜的空气使她又清醒过来。 (6)vt.察觉,感觉到,意识到(后跟名词\代词或从句) The horse sensed danger and stopped. 那匹马意识到有危险,停了下来。 She sensed what her teacher was thinking. 她感觉到了她的老师在想什么。 拓展:sensibility n. [U;C]感受力,敏感,意识 sensible adj.感觉得到的,察觉的,明智的,合情合理的(常接of) sensitive adj.敏感的,感觉敏锐的(常接to) senseless adj.无知觉的,无意义的,愚蠢的 come to ones senses 醒过来,醒悟过来 make sense讲得通,有意义 in a/some sense 从某种意义上说 in no sense 决不 take sense 讲得有理 2. If you hold your nose when you eat, your sense of taste will not work as well.如果你在吃饭时捏住你的鼻子,你的味觉就不如不捏住鼻子的时候好。 (1)这是一个省略句。句中所用的句型是比较句型,as well后面省略了“as+比较的对象”=as it does if you do not hold your nose when you eat 。as well在此类情景中可以理解为“同样地,和前者一样地”。 将省略的部分添补完整并译成汉语: You can do it, but I cannot do it as well. 这事儿你能做,而我就做不了你那么好。(省略了as you do) I can write as well with my left hand.我用左手也可以写得一样好。(省略了as I can write with my right hand)[来源:Zxxk.Com] (2)其他一些副词也可以像well一样,有类似的用法。 I cannot see as clearly without glasses. 不戴眼镜,我就看不了那么清楚。(省略了as I see with glasses ) 3. Blind people can read by touching letters in raised dots called Braille.盲人可以通过触摸被称为布莱叶盲文的凸起圆点式字母阅读。 (1)句中by是介词,后面接名词、代词或v-ing形式,表示方式,意为“通过,凭借,乘,靠”。 Its not fair to judge people by their appearance. 以貌取人是不公平的。 They put out the fire by pouring water on it. 他们泼水救火。 She earns her living by selling books. 她靠卖书为生。 (2)letters in raised dots表示“以凸;起的圆点形成的字母”,其中介词in意为“以,用”,表示方式,常指以某种语言、文字、符号等形式。 They are talking in English. 他们正在用英语交谈。 Some e-mail English is written in abbreviations. 有些电子邮件英语是用缩写词写成的。 (3)raised dots 意为“凸起的圆点”,r



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