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Period Four Project 基础落实 Ⅰ.课文理解 1.The purpose of this text is mainly to ________. A.analyze the causes of traffic problems B.conclude the solutions to traffic problems C.make people aware of traffic problems and advise how to solve them D.blame the traffic problems on vehicle drivers 2.Which of the following is not drivers’ fault to lead to traffic problems? A.Speeding. B.Heavy traffic. C.Overtaking other vehicles. D.Not paying attention to surrounding traffic. 3.What does “This lack of control is an invitation to accidents.”most probably mean? A.This lack of control can prevent traffic problems. B.This lack of control can result in traffic problems. C.This lack of control proves successful to prevent traffic accidents. D.Traffic accidents happen every day without any control. 4.How can a cyclist prevent a traffic accident? A.Riding too close to vehicles. B.Signalling when turning onto the correct side of the road. C.Riding along the pavement. D.Riding with overloads. 5.What shouldn’t a pedestrian do when he crosses the road? A.Looking both ways. B.Listening for cars. C.Running across the road. D.Waiting for green lights. Ⅱ.单词检测 1.n.________骑自行车的人 ________行人 ________中巴 ________啤酒 ________拐弯处 ________负荷 ________刹车 ________十字路口 2.v.________出现,产生 ________碰撞 ________处以罚金 ________违犯 3.adj.________好斗的 ________喝醉的 Ⅲ.短语检测 1.arise ________由……引起,起因于 2.be aimed ________目的是,旨在,针对 3.traffic ________交通拥堵,塞车 4.a couple ________两个,几个 5.watch ________ for留意,密切注意 6.be aware ________意识到 7.keep...________ good condition使……状况良好 8.________ connection with与……有联系 Ⅳ.选词填空 arise from,be aimed at,be aware of,fine sb. for ?doing? sth.,a couple of,in good condition,be up to,be true of 1.The book ________________ very young children. 2.There are more and more family problems __________________________ the lack of communication. 3.It ________________________ us all to keep our school clean. 4.The same ____________________ all other cases. 5.I’ll be with you in a minute.There are __________ things


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