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第  PAGE 10 页 共  NUMPAGES 10 页 Learning aims: 1. To improve the reading abilities. 2. To learn to guess the meanings of new words. Learning Key Points and difficulties: To learn the key words, expressions, and sentence structure in the text. Learning methods: Reading and discussing. Learning tools: A computer, multimedia and the blackboard. Learning Procedures: Step 1: Revision and check the homework exercises: 1. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the modern electronic devices. 2. Go through the post-reading exs. on P. 4 Step3: 同步讲练. 1. The evolution of video and sound devices: 影像和声音设备的演变。 evolution. n.演变,发生; 进化论;形成; 复数:evolutions; volute, v. 演变,发生 the evolution of plants and animals, 动植物的进化; theory of _________, 进化论 Technological innovation is a complicated system, and this system always evolutes from inferior to upper. 技术创新是一个复杂的系统,而这个系统总是从低级向高级进化的。 2. John Logie Baird constructed the first colour TV in 1928, but it was not until 1938 that the first colour TV programme was broadcast.(P2Line 12—13) 约翰·洛基·贝尔德于1928年制造出第一台彩色电视机,但直到1938年第一个彩色电视节目才播出。 (1)vt. 修筑,建造 A new art center ______________ in what used to be a factory. 一个新的艺术中心将建在过去是一个工厂的地方。 (2) vt. 制造;It took him two years to construct the new machine. 他花了两年时间建造这台新机器。 (3) vt. 创建,构思;First you have to construct the organization of the novel. 【用法归纳】 construct 做及物动词,意为“修筑,建造”;“制造”;“创建,构思”。 construct a new road bridge; construct something from/of/in something 辨析:build, establish, found和construct (1) build是普通用词,主要指“修建,建筑”后常接house, road, bridge等词作宾语。build还可以表示“加强,增强,建立”,此时相当于build up, 如:build(up)one’s confidence/one’s body/a company增强某人的信心、增强某人的体质/建立一个公司。 (2) establish主要指建立机构、组织或联系,后常接organization, committee, company, relation等词作宾语。 (3) found主要用于创立国家??机构、组织,常用于被动语态,如:found a school/a newspaper创办一所学校/创办一份报纸。 (4) construct为较正式用语,强调根据一定计划进行的规模较大,结构较复杂,要求较高技术的建造。 如:To promote economic ties, they have signed an agreement on a new railway that connects the two countries.(fou



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