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第  PAGE 4 页 共  NUMPAGES 4 页 Module 1 Unit 1 School life I. Vocabulary: Task 1 Find a word from the first sentence and use its other form or part of speech to fill in the blank in the second sentence. 1. I enjoy listening to music while doing my homework. Harry Potter is such an ____________ film that children all over the world love it. 2. Marco Polo had many interesting experiences while traveling in China. Traveling from Beijing to Shanghai, you can get a close look at China. Just imagine all the different things you can _____________ on a ten-day tour. 3. I’d like to do something that will really challenge me. Climbing Mount Qomolangma is a ______________ task to all mountain climbers. 4. I will be able to e-mail you my writing at the end of this month. Don’t forget to check your ____________ as soon as you turn on your computer. 5. We had a lot of fun at our English evening. The babysitter played a ___________ game with the little boy and made him laugh. 6. I have just watched the weather report. It said there would be a big drop in temperature. I am going to ___________ Art this term and join the Woodwork class instead. 7. Lily was excited about having the chance to visit Australia in September. Her Sys in Australia were filled with __________ experiences. 8. All her classmates helped her to get to the top of the mountain. It was very ____________ of Janet to teach us how to make dumplings yesterday. Task 2 Spelling: 9. Nobody knows when the project will be completed. Someone has to i_________ the boss of the progress of the work. 10. All students are r____________ to attend school assembly on Monday mornings. 11. – What is Tom busy doing tonight? -- He is making p______________ for tomorrow examination. 12. There is no student but wants to a___________ high grades. 13. As a young boy, he had to e________ a living because his family was very poor. 14. When we meet, we first s_________ poems that we love, and then read them ou



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