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第  PAGE 5 页 共  NUMPAGES 5 页 英语必修2译林牛津版Unit 1教案09(Task01) Period Nine Task (1) Completing a questionnaire Ⅰ.Teaching goals: 1.Completing a questionnaire 2.Help students learn how to construct a good questionnaire Ⅱ.Teaching important difficult points: Enable students to understand the rules of constructing and design a questionnaire. Ⅲ.Teaching methods: Correction and listening practice. Ⅳ.Teaching aids: The multimedia. 教师高考 扫荡狂练:完形填空—夹叙夹议 88.She walks gracelessly (粗野地) into my lap (膝盖) at times, and as soft as a feather at other times. Sometimes the growing little princess runs herself to the 1 of exhaustion (疲惫) while other days she takes it sort of 2 and easy. On the more active days she runs out of gas and then finds 3 holding onto me as she gets to sleep. I often 4 have some work to finish, so I let her lean on my arm to get her 5 as I finish. I know she won’t really 6 soundly until I put her to bed, so I try to hurry. . .  Watching her soar (翱翔) in her way, so sure of her 7 and what makes her full and free is a sight to behold (凝视) — to cherish (珍爱). It is a fancy gift to 8 these times with her.  She also 9 her little secrets to me,  10 I am missing the obvious feelings. She has her ways, and looks at me so adoringly (崇拜地) ,  11 me to care for her in my best way. I realize now, as I 12 not have in the past, how lucky I am to guide her into her freedom and 13 .  Like many parents, I am 14 myself living relative to the most gracious (亲切的) and accepting little bundle of energy imaginable. She is tender and easily harmed, and 15 I know just how tender and 16 I am capable of being, and how I can be firm 17 caring and kind to help her become a fully happy free and living soul.  I’m 18 to be so well loved, and I am blessed by really more than her presence. Really, both of the dear souls see me fully through God’s 19 as only they can. They help me learn of my capacity to love and to 20 , and to love myself. I couldn’t ask for more.



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