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第  PAGE 5 页 共  NUMPAGES 5 页 英语必修2译林牛津版Unit 1教案11(Task03) Period Eleven Task (3) Writing a report Ⅰ.Teaching goals: Enable students to analyze statistics and write a report. Help students learn how to draw conclusions and make suggestions by analyzing statistics Ⅱ.Teaching important difficult points: The skills of writing a report. Ⅲ.Teaching methods: Guided writing. Ⅳ.Teaching aids: The multimedia. 教师高考 扫荡狂练:完形填空—夹叙夹议 85.I was never a starter for my high school football team. No matter how 1 I practiced I was always on the second string. A few of us backups even 2 called ourselves the 3 boys and gave each other nicknames. Mine was “Splinter (瘦猴).” During one of the last games of the year, 4 , there came a point when I finally 5 it onto the field with the starters. It was my 6 chance and I was determined to 7 myself. It wasn’t long either before the ball unexpectedly 8 its way into my hands. I saw the end zone and turned to 9 down the field for a touchdown (触地得分). It was my shining moment and it 10 so good. It lasted for about one second. That is when an 11 player crashed into my back. It was Splinter’t first and last shining moment before 12 back to the bench. Since that time I have had a lot of shining moments in my life 13 most of them probably didn’t look that 14 in the eyes of the world. But I have come to see life from a 15 viewpoint. When I open a 16 for someone, share a smile with a 17 , and laugh with my children then I know that I am glowing bright. When I stop to help another, pass on a 18 word, and do a loving act then I know that I am 19 . I have come to learn that it is these shining moments that 20 our lives here. 1. A. farB. longC. earlyD. hard 2. A. jokinglyB. secretlyC. naturallyD. cruelly 3. A. dullB. fieldC. benchD. side 4. A. besidesB. thoughC. thereforeD. anyway 5. A. madeB. forcedC. caughtD. found 6. A. smallB. narrowC. bigD. lucky 7. A. enjoyB. proveC. beatD. devote 8. A. madeB. flewC. pushedD. bounced



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