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第  PAGE 6 页 共  NUMPAGES 6 页 英语必修2译林牛津版Unit 1教案13(Project) Period Thirteen Project Ⅰ.Teaching aims: 1. Enable students to tell a mysterious story. 2. To learn and master some language points in project. Ⅱ.Teaching important and difficult points: 1. How to tell a mysterious story. 2. Help the students understand some language points and know how to use them. Ⅲ.Teaching methods: Task-based activity and explanation Ⅳ.Teaching aids: Multi-media 教师高考 扫荡狂练:完形填空—夹叙夹议 69.Once, it was in the middle of a personal development workshop. One of the people present stood up and began 1 out diamond rings to each of the one hundred people in the room.  He was a 2 jeweler, he said, and he had made these expensive 3 as gifts to open people’s eyes to the abundance (充裕) of life.  On his fifth birthday, the man 4 , his uncle had taken him to a candy 5 and told him that he could take 6 he wanted, and as much as he wanted.  7 he was very pleased and decided to 8 something he liked best.  The entire store was 9 to him. He had looked at the jars and plates, and he hadn’t known where to 10 . At last, he filled a bag with all his 11 candies. He didn’t take everything,  12 that feeling of being able to have whatever he wanted seemed to make him very 13 .  Since then, he said, he had been able to 14 the abundance of life. He saw the world as full of 15 , richness and beauty—all you had to do was, take your pick and fill your bag.  The sad truth is that most of us grow up with the 16 feeling—we develop a poverty mentality (贫穷心理). We 17 believe that there simply isn’t enough. We think we have to 18 , fight and struggle, so that we can get what we need and want. If we can’t 19 our hands to get, someone else will be searching through our pockets. The 20 of that mentality is that we all have to go hungry.  Get a taste of abundance and try to have a great life!  1. A. givingB. lendingC. showingD. borrowing 2. A. poorB. strongC. richD. popular 3. A. necklacesB. watch



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