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第  PAGE 6 页 共  NUMPAGES 6 页 英语必修2译林牛津版Unit 2优质教案(第2课时) Period 2 ReadingⅠ Teaching Aims: Help the students learn how to identify the parts of an informal letter. Teaching Important Points: Talking about traveling and adventures. Teaching Difficult Points: Finding the clues about the writer’s journey. Teaching Methods: Skimming and scanning; asking-and-answering activity Teaching Aid: A tape recorder and a computer Teaching Procedures: Step1 Greetings Greet the whole class as usual. Step2 Revision Ask one or two students to talk about their traveling experiences. Step 3 Pre-reading Show the students some pictures on the screen.Let the students to discuss them. T: What do you think of the pictures in the media show? Have you ever been to all these places? Do you like traveling? S: Yes./ No. Step 4 Reading Task 1 Reading strategy First, have the students read the tips on page 23 about reading an informal letter. Then let them Go through the letter on pages 22 23 .Show the following on the screen, ask students if the statements on the screen are true or false. 1. Addresses are included. 2. Dates are included. 3. Greetings are usually used at the beginning of the letter. 4. Previous information is referred to at times. 5. The reader’s surname is addressed. 6. Jokes can be made. 7. The letter is signed off with the authors surname. Suggested answers: TTTTFTF Task 2 Fast reading First, ask the students to read the letter quickly and then finish part A on Page22 and part C1 on page 24 Possible answers: part A on Page22 1 . They will travel on camels. 2 . White-water rafting and watching wildlife up close. 3 . About four weeks. 2. part C1 on page 24 3 2 5 4 1 6 Task 3 Careful reading In this part, get the students to read the letter again and then work together with their partners to find the clues of the writer’s adventure. Then show the form on the screen and give them a few minutes to fill



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