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第  PAGE 8 页 共  NUMPAGES 8 页 英语必修2译林牛津版Unit 2优质教案(第5课时) Period 5 Word power Teaching Aims: 1. New words and expressions: good shoes, clothes, backpack, map, water, food, sunscreen, hat, compass, first aid kit, film, camera, pocket knife, tent, sleeping bag, torch, candles, pan, life jacket, waterproof matches, water purifying tablets, raft, paddle, cell phone, towel, helmet. Do you think it is worth doing ...? 2. Enable the students to use the words and expressions related to things needed in traveling and adventures and discuss if it is worth risking ones life for adventures. 3. Help the students learn how to use the words and expressions related to things needed in traveling and adventures and discuss if it is worth risking ones life for adventures. Teaching Important and Difficult Points: Get the students to know the uses of words and expressions about adventure. Teaching Methods: Study individually; practice in groups. Teaching Aids: the multimedia 教师看高考 阅读理解、专题训练(**)、说明文的阅读 (1) ◆ 方法点拨 说明文,即说明事物的文章。从内容上看,主要涉及科技、社会和文化生活等领域。它以介绍科学实验研究成果、人文地理知识等社会生活中值得关注的变化为主。 说明文有一定的说明顺序和说明方法,如空间顺序、时间顺序等,其大体的成篇布局是:(1)总体叙述要说明的对象(文章主旨)+ 细节说明(细节理解)+概括评述(推理判断);(2)事物现象或变化(文章主旨)+细节或原因阐述(细节理解)+引发的后果和相关启示(推论)。 ◆ 活学活用 阅读下面短文,从所给的四个答案中选出最佳选项 (2011年广州高三英语调研测试)School phobia is a type of illness which causes students to be afraid to go to school.This condition is most commonly seen in children,typically between the ages of 8-13,and it can be very upsetting,especially if it is allowed to progress.Symptoms include stomach aches,tiredness,shaking,a racing heart and frequent trips to the toilet. This common phobia is associated with a wide variety of causes.Most commonly it is the result of separation anxiety,but it can also be caused by different kinds of stress.A child who has recently moved,suffered a loss,or gone through a divorce may develop school phobia,and phobias can also develop in response to bullying (欺侮),an unrecognised learning disability,and p



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