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第  PAGE 5 页 共  NUMPAGES 5 页 英语必修5译林牛津版Unit 3第8课时教案 主备人执教人授课日期班级总课题M5U3总课时分课时 1课型复习课题M5U3 Project教学目标search for relative information come up with good points by reasonably dealing with the information argue and argue against take nature more seriously learn the importance and necessity of cooperating教学重点Words , phrases and sentence patterns教学难点Practical usage教具Blackboard , slides and handouts 教学内容教法学法Teaching procedures: Step 1 Lead in (PPT4) Briefly review the previous lessons about cloning. Relate them to the theme of the unit—Science and nature. Lead students to think about the relationship between them. Tell students: How far science can go depends on humans. Science is the tool of humans against nature. There has been much argument about the relationship between man and nature. concept of “DEBATE”.   [Explanation] 经过前面几个课时的学习,学生对于自然与科学的关系一定已经有了更深的感悟。而人是科学的核心,由这一点引入人与自然的话题。如果说科学对于学生来说可能有一点专业比较难表达的话,把话题引导人和自然的关系就与学生很贴近,能表达的内容也很丰富。无论学生表达的怎么样,都可以通过表扬或鼓励的方式很快转到本节课的主要任务:辩论。 Step 2 About debate (PPT5-8) Definition. A debate is a formal argument or discussion of a question eg. at a public meeting or in Parliament, with two or more opposing speakers, and often ending in a vote. Why having a debate. Through having a debate, students can learn to think more thoroughly about one issue and will be clearer about it. Of course students’ speaking ability will be improved greatly, etc. To have a debate, what preparations should be made? [Explanation] 这一步不仅要让学生明白辩论需要至少两方对立的观点,而且还要让学生产生对辩论的兴趣和动力。学生或多或少对辩论有点了解,因此让他们利用已有的知识积累来推进课堂的进展是很有好处的。让学生展示已有的知识是对他们的肯定,也是对其他同学的激励。 Step 3 Guidance on procedures (PPT9-13) Planning 1) Grouping. Divide the whole class into 12 groups. 2) Topic: man and nature 3) Information searching. Where to find information. By interviewing or reading. → eg. (brainstorming) What have humans do to benefit of harm nature? 4) Sample reading. Read the article on page 58. Preparing


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