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PAGE  本页和下页双面打印 封一 本科学生毕业论文(设计) 英语、数字:4号Times New Roman; 汉字:4号仿宋体 英语标题后增加汉语标题;英语题目太长可以分成两行 俄语、 日语、 英语 (班级不要填写) 题 目教 授 副教授 或讲师 The Image of the Room in Kate Chopin’s Works凯特肖邦作品中的房间意象学 院外 国 语 学 院专 业英 语学生姓名X X X学号0702000指导教师X X X职称X X论文字数外文4500-5500词之间;如实填写 完成日期 2015 年 2 月 28日 A3纸一式2份 1份存入学生档案 1份随论文一起交学院存档 封面不要标页码 The Image of the Room in Kate Chopin’s Works 封二 外文题目居中,Times New Roman三号,加粗 作者姓名一律使用汉语拼音;拼音姓名和学院间用 “,” 隔开,并空一格;居中、小4加粗;前后各空0.5行 Kong Lingyun, School of Foreign Studies 外文摘要200词左右,语法正确,语句通顺,表达流畅;两端对齐; 如超出页面,可适当调整行距。 加粗 关键词指覆盖论文主要内容、供检索的主题词条;以逻辑外延从大到下排列 小4号Times New Roman体 Abstract: Now regarded as an important forerunner of feminist movements, in her writing Kate Chopin introduced her readers to strong-willed, individualistic, and rebellious heroines, and expressed the feminist view that women should be independent and free in soul and body. This thesis does a detailed study of the repeatedly-used the image of the “room”. It explores the significance of the room in the women’s lives in terms of role-fulfillment as a mother and wife, their psychic growth from repression, awakening to rebellion. It illustrates the profound revelation and criticism evoked by the image of the “room” itself in Chopin’s works. Chopin condemned the patriarchal society and showed her sympathy with women by depicting what happened in the room. This thesis analyses the symbolic meaning of “the room of a view”, that is, Chopin’s feminist views that women should break the cage of the present life and go out into a free world. It puts forward that when we look at women writers collectively, we can see the recurrence of the images of the “room” and the “house”, because of their similar life experiences as women. In the conclusion part, it proposes that other images, regarded as the “female s are worthy of study, for instance, the long beautiful hair of women. Key Words:room; female roles; female psyche; a ro


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