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Do you know the Barcelona Football Club?;;On November 29, 1899, Hans Gamper founded Futbol Club Barcelona, along with eleven other enthusiasts . Over more than one hundred years of history, FC Barcelona has grown spectacularly in every area and has progressed into something much greater than a mere sports club, turning Barca’s ‘more than a club’ slogan into a reality.;From 1988 on, with Cruyff as the coach, Barca came to be associated once more with excellent football and sporting success. FC Barcelona managed to ensure four consecutive Spanish League championships between 1990 and 1994. Winning the European Cup in 1992 was the pinnacle of this period, which was characterised by the team’s attacking style. Led by the Cruyff, Barca became one of the biggest names in world football.; ;;The stadium provides first-class facilities including changing rooms, the VIPs lounge, the press rooms, several television studios, the Sports Medicine Centre, the Operative Control Unit (UCO), the FC Barcelona club museum, the nursery and the offices. 体育场提供了一流的设施包括更衣室、贵宾休息室、新闻室,几个电视演播室,运动医学中心的手术控制单元(UCO),FC巴塞罗那俱乐部博物馆,幼儿园和办公室。;The function of this place is that managers and players give their press conferences. 这个地方的功能是管理者和球员们给他们的新闻发布会;The history and values in the Museum make Barca ‘more than a club’. 具有历史价值的博物馆让巴萨超过其他的俱乐部。;??5 grass pitches 5个草地球场 ??4 artificial grass pitches 4个人造草球场 ??1 multisport pavilion 1个多项运动馆 ??1 grandstand building by pitch 1 1个看台大楼 ??1 service building 1个服务楼 ??1 dressing room building 1个试衣间建筑楼 ??Different training areas for goalkeepers and technical aspects 专门对于门将和技术方面的不同培训区域;旁边的球场,是拉玛西亚的巴萨青年队。 目前,已经有三十多个在拉玛西亚长大的年轻球员取得了他们的一线队处子秀。拉玛西亚青年人才名单不限于加泰罗尼亚球员还是西班牙其他地区,也有来自许多其他国家的球员; ;特尔-施特根 格拉斯-佩雷拉-多斯桑托斯 杰拉德·皮克·伯纳乌 伊万-拉基蒂奇 塞尔吉奥-布斯克茨 阿尔维斯 ???涅斯塔 苏亚雷斯 梅西 内马尔 拉菲尼亚 布拉沃 哈维尔-马斯切拉诺 马克-巴特拉 约尔迪-阿尔巴 塞尔吉-罗伯托 阿德里亚诺 维尔马伦 马蒂厄 阿莱克斯-比达尔 阿尔达-图兰 恩里克; ;Since the date of the establishment of the


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