20160816 英文知识分享-介绍产品.pptx

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20160816 英文知识分享-介绍产品

1. allow sb to do sth 允许某人做某事 see sb off 为某人送行 例句:昨晚我去机场送杨阿姨了。I saw Aunt Yang off at the airport last night. 3. escort [?esk??t] 护送/陪同 escort sb to+sp地点 护送/陪同某人(去某地) 例句:Her brother escorted her to school. 哥哥送她去学校。 Soldiers with gun escorted the witness into the court. 荷枪实弹的士兵把证人护送到了法院。 witness 证人 court法院;4. entrance [?entr?ns]进口、入口 exit [eks?t]出口 5. at the latest 最晚 例句:我最晚下周二交报告。I will submit the report next Tuesday at the latest. 6. look forward to (doing sth) 期望….. 例句:我很期待和你一起工作。I’m looking forward to working with you. 天这么热,我真盼着能吃块西瓜。 I’m really looking forward to a piece of iced watermelon in such a hot day. 7. hospitality ?[h?sp?t?l?t?] n. 好客;殷勤 Thanks for your hospitality.谢谢你的热情款待。;8. present ①名词,礼物 (gift) 生日礼物birthday present ②动词, 送礼 present sb with sth 把某物送给某人 例句:七夕节,小王送了女朋友一枚钻石戒指。 On Chinese Valentine’s Day, xiao Wang presented his girlfriend with a diamond ring. 9. delegation[del?ge??(?)n] 代表团 Chinese delegation to Rio Olympic Games 参加里约奥运会的中国代表团;10. repay +sb + sth (爱恨情仇、金钱物质)的偿还 ①偿还(金钱) 例句:我上周借给你的五百美元你什么时候还给我? When will you repay me the $500 I lent you last week? (you borrowed) ②报答(恩情) 例句:你对我的恩情我永远也报答不完。 I can never repay you for your kindness. ③报复(仇怨) 例句:老天会报复的。Heavens will repay. Someday I will repay you what I’ve suffered.;Seeing a Client Off Secretary: Please allow me to escort you to the entrance. A car is waiting for you. Guest:Thank You. I have really enjoyed my visit. Im glad I could meet you all. You were very kind and helpful for me. Secretary: Im sure all the staff was very glad to see you, too. Guest: I hope you can visit our company some day.;Secretary: Perhaps in the spring of next year. Were planning to send a delegation to Los Angeles to do some market research. Guest: Do let me know when you are there. I hope to be able to repay your warm hospitality during my


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