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n. impression 印象,感想,印记 first impression 第一印象 1第一印象是最持久的。总之,你永远不可能有第二个机会去再给别人留一次第一印象 First impressions are the most lasting.After all, you never get a second chance to make a first impression. ?) impressions of sth./doing sth./that…对…的印象.印记 impressions of shoes on the sand __________________;make a +adj….impression on 留下….的印象;;;2. take up 1) He took up his pen and began to write. 2) When does the new manager take up his job? 3) He has taken up art in college. 4) Sorry , I have taken up you too much time. 5) Do you intend to take up his offer of a job? 6) I took up the story where I had left off(中断).; office apart in it easy take back down notes away out over;Constant constantly;;;3. 1)surroundings n.(只用复数)周围的事物,环境,气氛 ;;4. lack 1) n. (a) lack of … 对于…的缺乏for lack of 因缺乏。。。 ____________ prevented me from writing to you.(缺少时间) I can’t buy that book _______________ money. (因为我缺钱) There was no lack of volunteers. _________________ 2) v. lack (for) sth. =be lacking(adj.) in… 缺少;缺乏 He _____ common sense.=He _____________ common sense. 他缺乏常识。 Though ___ money,his parents managed to send him to university. A. lacked B. lacking of C. lacking D. lacked in ;8.adjustment n.(c,u)调整,调节 Make an adjustment to 对….作出调整 我已对计划作了几处调整 Ive made a few adjustments to the plan. 。 2)vi.适应,习惯 adjust to sth.使适应 你将很快适应学生生活。 Youll quickly adjust(yourself)to student life.;;7.press v.------pressure n. vt.1) 按,压,挤 Press this button to start the engine. press sth. to sth. 把…按向/压向… He _____________________________.他用手绢捂住鼻子。 2)催促;催逼;强迫;(极力)劝说 He ________________________.他强迫她跟他走。 They __________________(督促我们) make a swift decision. ;5. c



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