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桥山中学 2014-2015 学年度第 一 学期教案 主备人: lifang 副备人: 周次(十八) 星期 三   班级 8.5 8.6  课题  Lesson?40? : What’s Paul’s Hobby? 课时 :1  学习目标 1. 掌握词汇及短语2. 识别词汇及短语 Ability goal 能力目标Enable the students to learn things that can bring them the true happiness. Learning ability goals 学能目标Help the students to learn that one’s friends and family can make one happy. 重点 内容 解决措施 What do I do with my rockets? It landed in some trees. I tried to find it for three days. I’ve been launching rockets for two years. This year, I joined a rocket club. Then I either lose or break them. Ask and answer   难点 Help the students learn how to write a short story using their imagination Explain   discuss  教学方法 Listening, reading and discussing. 课前准备 The multimedia computer. 情境导入 T: Hello, boys and girls! S: Hello! T: Here is a riddle for you. Well, listen carefully. He is the first Chinese that went into the space. S: Yang Liwei! T: Great! He is the hero of our country. Have you ever dreamed of being a spaceman as him? S: Yes! T: Wonderful! I think most of you are interested in that. So, do you still remember your homework? S: Yes! T: Tell us! Show students the following pictures of rockets to help them tell their homework. HYPERLINK / \o 全品中考网 Teaching steps(教学过程设计) Step I Review Ask the students to talk about their ambitions. T: Yesterday we learned Dany’s and hobby .Now I’d like to learn about your hobby . Who will be the first one? S1: I like teaching ,I want to be a teacher. T: Why do you want to be a teacher? S1: Because a teacher can help lots of students. I like to help others. I also think teaching is fun. T: Good! So you can get happiness from that. What about you, S2? S2: I want to be a pop star. A pop star can be very rich. I want to buy a good car and a large house. T: Why do you want a good car and a large house? S2: Because a good car and a large house will make me happy. I like to drive a good car. I like to live in a large house. T: But after you buy


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