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采矿学说明书_毕业设计 -  PAGE II -  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT I 本设计包括两部分:一般部分和专题部分。 一般部分为林南仓300万吨新井设计,全篇共有十部分:矿井概括及井田地质特征、井田境界及储量、矿井工作制度和设计生产能力、井田开拓、采区巷道布置、采煤方法、井下运输、矿井提升、矿井通风与安全和矿井主要经济技术指标。 林公里。井田内可采的共有2层煤,煤层赋存稳定,11煤层厚度54.5m,2煤层厚度4.54m,平均倾角为16°,为缓倾斜煤层。井田内工业储量2.2亿t,可采储量2.1亿t。相对瓦斯涌出量为1.2m3min属于低瓦斯矿井,煤层有自燃发火现象。 该矿井设计年生产能力为300万t,服务年限为60年。采用双单水平开拓,水平为-500m,矿井采用单面走向长壁综合机械化开采。 矿井布置一个双滚筒综采工作面,长度为200m,煤在大巷的运输采用皮带运输。矿井通风方式为采区边界式。 专题部分主要内容是: 煤巷锚杆支护关键理论与技术探讨 锚杆支护是现代煤矿支护的一种重要支护方式,在煤矿生产中扮演着很重要的角色。介绍煤矿开发出的锚杆支护成套技术,采用成套技术系统,必要时配合注浆加固,能够有效控制巷道围岩的强烈变形,并取得良好的支护效果。锚杆支护已经成为煤巷主要的支护形式, 多年来国内外的实践证明, 锚杆锚索支护是煤巷经济、有效的支护方式, 特别是在大断面巷道得到广泛的应用, 是煤矿实现高产高效生产必不可少的关键技术之一。尤其是现代技术及实践表明锚网锚喷技术是目前较成熟的技术。 ABSTRACT This design contains two parts: the general part, the dissertation part. The general part is a new design of LinNanCang Mine in KaiLuan coal department. It chapters: the outline of the mine and the mine filed geology, boundary and reserves, the designed productive capacity and service life and working area, transportation of underground, mine lifting, mine ventilation and safety, and the economic and technologic index of the mine. The LinNanCang mine filed lies in the Tangshan city of average. The total area of the mine is about 14.5 km2.there is only three payable seam: No. 7. No.9 and No.12, and the average thickness of the seam is 9.3m. It is stable belong to fluty inclined, with the average angle 14 degree. The industry reserves of the mine filed are 212 million tons and the useable reserves are 161 million tons. The average flow of the mine is from 1.2m3min. It is a low gassy mine. The coal dust tendency. The productive capacity of Xuzhou mine is 1.8 million tons per year, and it’s service life is 63.9 years. There’are 2 levels in the mine. The fist development level inclined coal seam. There is only one working face in the mine. The length of the face is 200m. Coal is transported by the tramcar with the capacity of 3T.The method of mine ventilation in this shift central boundary ventilation.


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