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1.我将安排你去那个学校教书 (arrange for sb to do) 2.他正在参加游泳比赛 (participate in doing sth) 3.我已经为这个周末做了很好的安排(make an arrangement for...) 4.今天我心情很不好(in low spirits) 5.我劝说他不要吸烟 (persuade sb not to do sth);1.I will arrange for you to teach in that school. 2.He was participating in swimming race/competition. 3.I have made an arrangement for this weekend. 4.Today,I am in low spirits 5.I persuade him not to smoke. ;1.你必须因为你犯的错误向我道歉(apologise to sb for one’s doing sth ) 2.在老师的帮助下,他很快摆脱了困境 (get out of trouble) 3.北欧海盗曾经航行到美洲(set sail to) 4.这个杯子里都是水(be filled with) 5.最后,他们成功到达了山顶 (make it to...);1.You must apologise to me for your mistakes/making mistakes . 2.With the help of teachers,/With teachers help,he quickly got out of trouble. 3.The Vikings ever set sail to the America. 4.This cup/glass/bottle is filled with water. 5.They eventually made it to the top of the mountain. ;1.如何解决这个社交问题呢? (deal with) 2.如今,他在公司里失控了。 (out of control) 3.教育孩子是件困难的事。(educate) 4.她将去美国深造。 (further education) 5.海豚是最聪明的动物之一 (the most intelligent);1.How to deal with this social problem? 2.Nowadays/At present,he is out of control in the company. 3.It is difficult/hard to educate children/kids. 4.She will go to America/the USA for further education. 5.The dophions are one of the most intelligent animals. ;1.这条河被工业垃圾污染了。 (industrial waste) 2.我们学校禁止学生吸烟 (ban sb from doing sth) 3.明天我去商场购物 (department store) 4.他靠开车为生。 (make a living by doing sth) 5.我们应该对我们的学习负责 (be responsible for);1.This river is/has been polluted by industrial waste 2.Our school bans students from smoking. 3.Tomorrow I will go to the department store for shopping. 4.He makes a living by driving 5.We should be responsible for our study;1.在学校,我们应该精力充沛。(keep energetic) 2.黄山是最漂亮的景点之一。 (tourist attraction) 3.我们应该小心鲨鱼(watch out for) 4.如果现在买,我将给你打9折。(give 10% discount) 5.这些男孩???欢捉弄Lucy. (play a trick on sb);1.At school,we should keep energetic. 2.Mt Huang is one of the most beautiful tourist attructions. 3.We should watch out for sharks. 4.If you buy no


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