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Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came? sectionA 词形转化 Begin-began -begun heavily - heavy sunddenly -- sundden Strange - stranger wind –windy- strong wind Rain rainy rainstorm sunny sun sunshine cloud cloudy Snow snowy heavy snow fog foggy Light n_______,adj______ report reporter Area cn wood un tree cn flower cn grass un Match cn 火柴,_______与 搭配 Beat beat beat asleep sleep sleeping sleepy Rise rose risen fall fallen adj倒下的, Ice un icy adj strong strongly Outside inside night midnight neighborhood neighbor n Busy busily business businessman Break broke broken difficult difficulty difficultly Buy bought bought luck lucky luckily 二重点词组 At the time of 当??时候 go off(闹钟)发出响声 等待公共汽车 ______________, 走回家______________, 开始做某事______________, 雨下得很大______________, 帮忙做某事______________,在他家外面______________, 乌云______________, 没有光______________, Take a hot shower洗热水澡 miss the bus错过公交车 Pick up接电话 bring??together使??靠拢 In the area在这个地区 make sure确信,确认 Beat against??拍打?? Fall asleep 进入梦乡,睡着 Die down逐渐变弱,逐渐消失 wake up醒来 In a mess一团糟 break ??apart使??分离 In times of difficulty在困难的时候 3. fall asleep 进人梦乡;睡着 彼此帮忙______________, 你在开玩笑______________, 三词法和语法 What were people doing yesterday at the time of the rainstorm? 昨天当暴风雨来临的时候人们正在做些什么? 【解析1】过去进行时 过去进行时态 ⑴ .用法:①过去某个时间正在发生的动作 He was cooking at six last night. 昨天晚上六点,他正在做饭。 ②过去某段时间正在发生的动作 I was staying here from March to May last year. 去年从3月到5月,我一直呆在这里。 ⑵ .与过去进行时连用的时间状语,常见的有 at nine last night/ at that time= then/at this time yesterday / 或有when the teacher came in/ while he was reading的提示 ⑶ 过去进行时的构成:was\were +现在分词 ⑷ 过去进行时的四个基本句型 肯定句 He was cooking at six last night. 否定句 He was not cooking at six last night. 一般疑问句 Was he cooking at six last night?


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