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Graceful Hands ;1. graceful a. 1. 优美的,优雅的 She has a graceful way of moving. 她的动作十分优雅。 2. 得体的 He made a graceful speech accepting the award. 他作了一个得体的获奖演说。 grace [greis] n. ?优雅, 风度, 体面 ;2. chart n. [C] information given in the form of a picture, graph, etc. 图,图表 a flight/statistical/weather chart 航空/统计/气象图 vt. make a map or chart of 制图表 They charted the sea area between France and Britain. 他们绘制了法国和英国之间的海域图。;3. preceding a. 在前的,在先的,前面的 The author deals with the problem of violence among teenagers in the preceding chapters. 在前几章,作者讨论了青少年中的暴力问题。;precede ?[,pri:si:d] vt. ?在...之前, 优于, 较...优先;4. decay n.[U] the action or state of gradually going bad; rotting 变坏,腐烂,衰败 tooth decay 蛀牙 The empire is in decay. 帝国在衰亡. ;vi.1. become bad; rot 腐烂,变坏 Sugar decays your teeth. 糖能腐蚀牙齿. 2. lose power, influence, etc. 衰退,衰落,衰败 Our powers decay (ie We become less strong, alert, etc) in old age. 我们的体力﹑ 精力在老年时就衰退.;5. vinegar n.[U] a sharp-tasting liquid, made esp. from sour wine, used for flavoring or preserving food 醋;6. pit n. 1. [C] a large hole in the ground, or a hollow in any surface 坑 Theyd dug a shallow pit and left the rubbish in it. 他们挖了一个浅坑把垃圾扔在了里面。 2. [C] a coal mine 矿井,煤矿 The miners were told that three pits would be closed. 矿工们获悉有三个矿井要被关闭。;switch ?n 1. device for completing or breaking an electric circuit (电路的)开关, 电门, 转换器, 闸: a light switch 灯的电门 2.(infml 口) (esp sudden) shift or change (尤指突然的)转变, 改变: Polls showed a switch to Labour. 民意测验表明形势转而对工党有利. a switch in policy政策的改变. ;switch v [I, Ipr, Ip, Tn, Tn.pr, Tn.p] ~ (sth) (over) (to sth) (cause sth to) shift or change, esp suddenly (使某事物)转变或改变(尤指突然): Many voters switched to Labour. 许多选举人改投工党的票. ;7. skeleton n. 1. [C] the frame of bones supporting a human or animal body 骨骼,骨架 2. [C] the outline to which details are to be added 梗概,提要 我已写好了报告的纲要,但还得补充细节。 Ive written the skeleton of my report, but I have to fill in the details. ;8. loosea.1. not tense; not tight 宽松的,不紧的 a loose tooth, thread 松动的牙齿﹑ 线 2. fre


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