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Fill in the blanks.;hitting a region _____ has been rocked by numerous quakes over the past two weeks. The quake was ____ strong that the shaking experienced in Bolivias capital about 290 miles (470 kilometers) away was the equivalent of a 4.5-magnitude tremor, authorities there said. At least eight strong aftershocks (余震) ________ (follow) in the first few hours, including a 6.2 tremor. More aftershocks and even a _____ (large) quake could not be ruled out, said seismologist (地震学家) Mario Pardo at the University of Chile. Some roads in northern Chile were blocked by landslides, causing traffic jams _______ people leaving the coast. ;To learn some useful words, expressions and patterns in the passage.;The balloon suddenly burst. burst into/through + n. 闯;突然出现 Don’t burst into my bedroom without knocking! 别不敲门就闯入我的卧室! burst out + sth./doing 突然……起来 They burst out laughing.;burst crack;practice ;— What happened, Peter? — Oh, Mum, the pipe _______ and the water flooded the kitchen. A. trapped B. burst C. buried D. failed;2. as if;practice ;practice ;in ruins;The rain ruined our holiday. 这场雨把我们的假期毁了。 He ruined his prospects by carelessness. 他因疏忽大意而断送了前途。 Cheap imported goods are ruining many businesses. 廉价的进口货物正使许多公司破产。;ruin表示破坏严重,以致不能修复,但这种破坏不像destroy那样毁灭某物,而是强调致使该物的使用价值发生了问题。用作名词时,它表示 “毁灭”、 “瓦解”、 “废墟”等抽象概念。;practice ;4. damage destroy;My car was completely destroyed in an accident, and I have to buy a new one. ;practice ;5. rescue;Helicopters _______ nearly 20 people from the roof of the burning building. A. commanded B. requested C. rescued D. determined;Let the word fly;试着翻译下面的英文,注意单词feel的用法。;feel v. 1. I cant feel where the light switch is. 2. He felt no shame and no regret. 3. I felt that she was very weak. ;4. She felt very proud of her son. 5. He felt in his pocket for the key. 6. Ice feels cold. ;现学现用;Review;3. electricity (n.) 电,电流 → electric (adj.) 电的,带电的


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